說到射頻PA(Power Amplifier,功率放大器)的設計和應用,有兩個名詞經常被大家提及:Load-line與Load-pull。在使用中,這兩個名詞太過常用了,以至于對這兩個名詞后面的理論依據反而討論不多。接下來我們就對Load-line和Load-pull背后的知識做一個討論。
2022-09-28 10:27:38
4224 環境CCSV5,平臺TMS6678,在將編譯生成的 .out 文件load時報錯,顯示如下:File: D:\workspace\......\~~.out : a data verification error occured, file load failed.求幫忙解決,謝謝!!!
2018-08-07 07:57:56
of 18V to 36V and provides negative 15V/200mA output to the load. This reference design adds an external
2018-12-25 14:34:07
2013-11-27 23:58:58
34922A 70chanel multiplexer to make 4-wire resistance measures. We are getting some negative
2018-12-18 16:25:04
我登錄了my.st.com 在my.st.com/analogsimulator/ 中,我選擇了:Negative Buck-Boost,然后單擊“Create”按鈕。我正確設置了輸入電壓、輸出電壓
2023-01-17 06:23:51
2015-08-17 17:30:06
在CCS軟件中使用load memory將數據寫到DDR3中,但是load進去的數據總是不對,注意,在之前我已經配置過DDR3了,沒有錯誤,可以在memory browser中手動的改動DDR3地址
2018-06-21 04:25:02
negative value on resistance, anybody have encountered this, any possible solution? (DMM still not yet
2019-07-16 15:42:58
一個STM32的工程用IAR8打開了,并保存了workspace 。當再次用IAR32打開工程下載時,報錯:Failed to load debugee:。怎么解決,各位大神.
2014-11-08 16:56:52
說起wire load model,IC設計EDA流程工程師就會想到DC的兩種工具模式:線負載模式(wire load mode)和拓撲模式(topographicalmode)。為什么基本所有深亞
2018-05-21 18:30:33
of Oscillator Properties 2458.3 The LC Resonator 2478.4 Adding Negative Resistance Through Feedbackto
2008-07-14 20:54:59
在keil中用jlink燒程序,出現了keil cannot load driver這種情況,JLINK驅動裝的沒問題。求大神支招,折騰了一整天了
2018-04-20 21:52:04
MMIC熱阻Thermal resistance (qJC) values are supplied with eachMMIC in the Microwave
2009-06-13 00:04:49
Maneatis load是什么意思啊?是哪種負載嗎?
2021-06-22 07:17:26
2023-06-21 06:34:23
over-current faults in the load or to make system power-management tradeoffs.Most high-side
2011-08-21 16:49:34
2017-04-08 09:39:40
resistance). This is sort of like a load-pull, but I did not want to run a harmonic balance.This
2019-01-03 15:26:21
使用UCOS時,在delay_init()函數中有滴答定時器的初始化程序,如下。 查看M4手冊,發現 SysTick->LOAD 的寫入值應該是tick-1,而這里寫入SysTick->
2020-05-29 03:50:29
VCF0503CANCE1 - Voltage-Controlled Optical Filters - JDS Uniphase Corporation
2022-11-04 17:22:44
VCF1003CANCE1 - Voltage-Controlled Optical Filters - JDS Uniphase Corporation
2022-11-04 17:22:44
在ccs編譯完程序嗎,在將其out程序load到片內時,file-Load Program和file-LOad Symbols-LOad Symbols only的區別是什么啊?
2018-10-17 14:51:42
2022-06-13 10:19:34
VINAdjustable Output Voltage, Down to 0.8V1.5% Initial AccuracyExcellent Line and Load Regulation3A
2020-08-27 10:57:27
#signGP\ x-load.bin
2018-06-21 05:16:44
如圖在左下角的這個蜂鳴器的驅動電路,及load resistance type這個蜂鳴器驅動電路,請大神解釋一下該電路的工作原理,以及該電路中的R與電感該如何計算。蜂鳴器電氣化參數如下圖所示
2016-06-16 05:13:53
靈敏度 Min. Load Resistance 最小負載電阻 Current Consumption 電流消耗 Current Output 電流輸出 Max. Loop Resistance 最大回路電阻
2011-03-29 13:41:20
描述PMP10733 uses the LM5160 in a Fly-Buck-Boost topology with the primary set as to a negative
2018-11-05 16:38:09
本帖最后由 mssmax 于 2018-11-29 16:12 編輯
2018-11-29 15:41:06
和 SEC_CONFIG。enable_hab.bd 文件如下 # Program SRK tableload fuse 0xD132E7F1 > 0x18;load fuse
2023-03-31 07:55:31
translation? In real application, if a negative inductance is considered as the coefficient of a LOAD
2019-07-01 13:02:59
DXP中,在整理料單的時候 ,一鍵生成BOM時 ,用comment和footprint分類;比如說有10個相同封裝的10K電阻,那么在Description里面出現10個相同的內容(比如Resistance)。我現在想Description只要一個Resistance,請高手指點,應該怎么做。謝謝!!
2019-09-08 22:02:49
the load resistance of the LC then i can take this same value for the source (matching). My voltage
2018-11-30 14:46:39
2016-06-12 12:56:16
我用的是keil4.7的版本,連接st-link后設置也都沒問題,就是一點load下面就出現 Load "..\\OBJ\\LED.axf",而且程序下載不進去,有誰能幫幫我嗎?
2020-03-20 02:02:35
在看datasheet時看到這樣的句子:1/8 unit load option available(up to 256 nodes on the BUS),不太好理解。哪位知道能說說?
2020-03-17 06:44:36
Datasheet里有以下參數:Junction to thermal pad resistance θJP is 10.24°C/W.Junction to ambient thermal
2019-04-15 14:17:52
本帖最后由 一只耳朵怪 于 2018-6-19 10:43 編輯
您好,我使用ccs連接開發板進行應用程序的調試,通過仿真器在菜單run->load->loadprogram 中
2018-06-19 07:57:15
本帖最后由 一只耳朵怪 于 2018-6-20 10:20 編輯
2018-06-20 04:05:42
2019-09-16 22:59:55
, and with a follower to output the voltage. Output voltage is 3.5V when no any load,and voltage will down
2018-10-01 19:39:08
描述PMP4370 converts 12Vdc voltage to non-isolate negative 5V5A. Full feature synchronous PWM buck
2018-07-23 09:25:42
requiringhigh-current pulses. The load is intended to be connectedbetween the outputs without other reference tosupply or gr
2009-01-19 14:37:17
23 The Philips Semiconductors 74F “Light Load” product line is a highperformance, TTL bus compatible
2009-03-30 00:13:33
15 Load-Disconnect Switch Consumes Only 8µA
2009-04-30 11:30:17
19 The LM5067 negative hot swap controller provides intelligentcontrol of the power supply connections
2009-10-07 08:43:10
11 The ADP190 is a high-side load switch designed for operation from 1.2 V to 3.6 V. This load switch
2009-10-26 16:41:25
10 Load-sharing techniques: Paralleling power modules with overcurrent protection:Paralleling
2009-11-29 17:36:29
21 Load Sharing with paralleled power supplies:When designing low-voltage power systems tosupply large
2009-12-04 17:52:50
20 The SN74F112 contains two independent J-K negative-edge-triggered flip-flops. A low level at the preset () or clear (
2010-08-02 16:58:51
17 This series of fixed-negative-voltage integrated-circuit voltage regulators is designed
2010-10-23 00:08:07
6 This series of fixed-negative-voltage integrated-circuit voltage regulators is designed
2010-10-23 00:10:25
7 This series of fixed-negative-voltage integrated-circuit voltage regulators is designed
2010-10-23 00:12:22
7 This series of fixed-negative-voltage integrated-circuit voltage regulators is designed
2010-10-23 00:14:26
35 This series of fixed negative-voltage integrated-circuit voltage regulators is designed for a wide
2010-10-23 23:19:33
10 This series of fixed negative-voltage integrated-circuit voltage regulators is designed for a wide
2010-10-23 23:21:27
7 This series of fixed negative-voltage integrated-circuit voltage regulators is designed for a wide
2010-10-23 23:24:46
14 The UCCx913 family of negative voltage circuit breakers provides complete power management
2010-10-28 22:50:38
16 The UCC3918 low on-resistance hot swap power manager provides complete power management, hot swap
2010-10-28 23:25:54
6 The PT79SR100 is a line of Negative Input/Negative Output 3-terminal Integrated Switching
2010-11-18 23:28:18
9 Negative Charge Pumps Achieve Inductor-Like Efficiency for WLED Backlights
2009-01-11 11:07:04
2504 什么是負載均衡(Load Balance)
2009-01-19 23:30:17
2813 Abstract: This application note discusses how to build a negative voltage reference without using
2009-02-22 14:25:44
805 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/98/wKgZomUMNOWAEDFPAAAnxQbENcg627.gif)
Abstract: Two common thermal-resistance values measured for IC packages are junction to ambient
2009-04-17 10:51:03
999 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/C3/wKgZomUMNZaAHbcAAAAErF38BPU974.gif)
Abstract: Two common thermal-resistance values measured for IC packages are junction to ambient
2009-04-24 13:52:13
1781 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/CD/wKgZomUMNcKAQfz3AAAErF38BPU344.gif)
Abstract: Canceling the load allows the op amp the capability for high output current while
2009-05-07 09:08:38
1017 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A4/DB/wKgZomUMNfqAYHg2AAAaQwhVHyk765.gif)
Negative-peak detector負峰值檢知器電路:
2009-10-22 09:56:09
1652 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A5/53/wKgZomUMN-mAQnGpAAANj_fV_b8494.jpg)
ADG1401:1 Ω On Resistance, ±15 V/+12 V/±5 V, iCMOS SPST Switches
The ADG1401/ADG1402 contain a single-pole/single-thr
2009-10-31 11:28:15
827 ADG1402: 1 Ω On Resistance, ±15 V/+12 V/±5 V, iCMOS SPST Switches
The ADG1401/ADG1402
2009-10-31 11:32:09
744 ADG1401: 1 Ω On Resistance, ±15 V/+12 V/±5 V, iCMOS SPST Switches
The ADG1401/ADG1402
2009-11-09 11:35:39
820 負載均衡(Load Balance)
2010-01-08 14:39:41
811 在CPU中,訪問寄存器比訪問主存速度要快。所以為了減少訪問存儲器而花的時間或延遲,MIPS4KC處理器采用了Load/Store設計。在CPU芯片上有許多寄存器,所有的操作都由存儲在寄
2010-06-25 11:07:48
959 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A5/A1/wKgZomUMOU2AT2L6AABwrdnY9FQ686.jpg)
of a Li-cell charger IC (MAX8814), to switch a load between battery and charging source without intervention from a microcontroller or system so
2011-02-13 10:57:58
4438 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A5/D9/wKgZomUMOmyAPOJPAAAS4q1q1cA581.jpg)
The AON6411 combines advanced trench MOSFET
technology with a low resistance package to provide
2016-02-16 17:33:47
0 Most analogue multimeters are capable of measuring resistance over quite a wide range of values
2016-07-12 15:14:02
0 The Si1865DDL includes a p- and n-channel MOSFET in a single SC70-6 package. The low on-resistance
2017-09-11 10:21:10
3 SiP32401A and SiP32402A are slew rate controlled load switches designed for 1.1 V to 5.5
2017-09-11 10:39:57
8 SiP32408 and SiP32409 are slew rate controlled load switches designed for 1.1 V to 5.5 V operation.
2017-09-11 10:49:20
4 The SiP32411 is a slew rate controlled load switch that is designed for 1.1 V to 5.5 V operation.
2017-09-11 11:05:37
6 5.4 多寄存器Load/Store內存訪問指令 多寄存器Load/Store內存訪問指令也叫批量加載/存儲指令,它可以實現在一組寄存器和一塊連續的內存單元之間傳送數據。LDM用于加載多個寄存器
2017-10-18 15:56:19
1 5.3 單寄存器的Load/Store指令 Load/Store內存訪問指令在ARM寄存器和存儲器之間傳送數據。ARM指令中有3種基本的數據傳送指令。 ① 單寄存器Load/Store指令
2017-10-18 15:57:25
1 講解 Linux Load 高如何排查的話題屬于老生常談了,但多數文章只是聚焦了幾個點,缺少整體排查思路的介紹。所謂 “授人以魚不如授人以漁"。本文試圖建立一個方法和套路,來幫助讀者對 Load 高問題排查有一個更全面的認識。
2017-12-28 14:18:01
5020 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A7/1F/wKgZomUMQn-AUVGhAAANw_OdS_I555.jpg)
Linear Resistance Meter,線性刻度歐姆表
關鍵字:Linear Resistance Meter
2018-09-20 19:20:40
795 ADP5072: 1 A/0.6 A DC to DC Switching Regulator with Independent Positive and Negative Outputs Data Sheet
2021-01-28 11:17:14
1 LT3094 Demo Circuit - Ultralow Noise, Ultrahigh PSRR Negative LDO Regulator (-20V to -3.3V @ 500mA)
2021-02-01 15:20:32
0 LTC6244 Demo Circuit - 60kHz, Positive and Negative Peak Detector
2021-03-11 15:06:38
1 A Dynamic Feedback-based Load BalancingMethodology(電源pcb布線經驗)-該文檔為A Dynamic Feedback-based Load BalancingMethodology簡介資料,講解的還不錯,感興趣的可以下載看看…………………………
2021-07-26 11:30:37
6 Load Balancer 的主要作用是為多個后端服務提供負載均衡功能,依據不同的負載均衡算法讓這些服務可以分攤流量。
2023-03-06 09:31:47
410 Transient Load Test Board 原理圖
2023-03-14 19:48:35
0 VxWorks里怎樣load一個文件到內存? 這個文件可以是在SD、USB、ATA這類的存儲設備,也可以通過ftp網絡下載;
2023-06-16 09:32:36
651 說到射頻PA(Power Amplifier,功率放大器)的設計和應用,有兩個名詞經常被大家提及:Load-line與Load-pull。
2023-07-05 15:41:50
1908 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com/web2/M00/8C/0F/wKgZomSlHoCAf98TAADPLi5FWHo213.jpg)
Transient Load Test Board 原理圖
2023-07-05 20:15:03
2 電子發燒友網站提供《基于FPGA的數據中心Load Balancer加速解決方案.pdf》資料免費下載
2023-09-13 09:32:07