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電子發燒友網>電子技術應用>電子技術>電路圖>消費類電子電路圖>touch swicth circuit

touch swicth circuit


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TSC2300,pdf(Programmable Touch

The TSC2300 is a highly integrated PDA analog interface circuit. It contains a complete 12-bit A/D
2010-06-11 09:34:3418

TSC2301,pdf(Programmable Touch

The TSC2301 is a highly integrated PDA analog interface circuit. It contains a complete 12-bit A/D
2010-06-11 09:37:2714

How to implement the circuit in EAB within VHDL coding

How to implement the circuit in EAB within VHDL codingState Machine Design?Design a state machine
2008-09-09 16:18:58


Linux touch命令用于更改文件時間戳。但touch命令的最常見用法是創建文件。
2022-12-05 17:21:211304

iPod Touch的特性有哪些?

iPod Touch的特性有哪些? iPod Touch更像是款基礎版的iPhone而不是升級版的iPod。相比之下,iPod Touch比iPhone更小更輕,電池續航能力也更強。iPhone能播放24
2010-02-03 11:32:23711

淺談Linux touch命令實例

touch命令可以用來修改文件的訪問/修改時間戳,使用touch命令創建一個空白文件,需要的語法是“linuxidc@linuxidc:~$ touch linuxidc.txt ”。使用touch命令創建多個文件”linuxidc@linuxidc:~$ touch linuxidc.txt “。
2018-02-13 14:08:005318


2010-02-02 17:30:34414

ipad touch是什么

ipad touch是蘋果旗下的一個MP4,有雙攝像頭的設置,可以看成沒有電話功能的iphone。apple蘋果的ipad touch的價格大概為5242元。
2011-03-04 12:23:1111593

PCB繪圖案例【Circuit Simulation】.Simple_RC_Circuit

PCB繪圖案例【Circuit Simulation】. Simple RC Circuit
2016-02-16 11:28:0516

3D Touch是什么

3D Touch是一種立體觸控技術,被蘋果稱為新一代多點觸控技術,是在Apple Watch上采用的Force Touch,屏幕可感應不同的感壓力度觸控。3D Touch,蘋果iPhone 6s的新功能,看起來類似 PC 上的右鍵。有Peek Pop 兩種新手勢。
2018-12-29 15:55:53107935

利用QE for Capacitive Touch來搭建一個簡單的touch工程

最近有幸得到一塊RA2L1的開發板,因此學習了QE touch來搭建一個簡單的touch工程。
2022-08-19 10:02:02987

ipod touch使用方法/使用技巧

ipod touch使用方法:此文檔介紹的非常詳細.
2009-11-23 09:03:3716

RX Capacitive Touch Evaluation System Self-Capacitance Touch Button/Wheel/Slider Board 用戶手冊 Rev.1.00

RX Capacitive Touch Evaluation System Self-Capacitance Touch Button/Wheel/Slider Board 用戶手冊 Rev.1.00
2023-03-24 18:58:400


電子發燒友網站提供《ESP TOUCH用戶指南.pdf》資料免費下載
2022-09-23 10:11:180

RX Capacitive Touch Evaluation System Self-Capacitance Touch Button/Wheel/Slider Board 用戶手冊 Rev.1.00

RX Capacitive Touch Evaluation System Self-Capacitance Touch Button/Wheel/Slider Board 用戶手冊 Rev.1.00
2023-07-10 20:47:570

RT-Thread文檔_TOUCH 設備

RT-Thread文檔_TOUCH 設備
2023-02-22 18:38:110

Circuit Analysis II with MATLA

Circuit Analysis II with MATLAB :This text is written for use in a second course in circuit
2010-02-10 11:25:4981

Q-Touch 1.50 [Build 210514.00]下載

Q-Touch 1.50 [Build 210514.00]下載
2022-06-14 16:57:040

Crouzet Touch選型指南

本文檔內容介紹了基于Crouzet Touch選型指南。
2017-09-22 11:08:230

Simulation of photovoltaic power inverter circuit

AbstractThis paper introduces solar power generation and switch circuit technology on the basis
2021-11-09 12:06:012


2022-01-17 14:18:346

蘋果新款MacBook申請Touch Bar專利:支持Force Touch觸摸傳感技術

據外媒 9to5Mac 報道,美國專利商標局今天公布了一項新的專利申請,顯示了與現有 Touch Bar 基本一樣的新版本。但新型號支持 Force Touch 觸摸傳感技術。 IT之家了解到,通過
2020-11-27 09:28:141585

TSC2102,pdf(Programmable Touch

The TSC2102 is a highly integrated combination resistive touch screen controller with on-chip
2010-06-11 09:21:0120

什么是CS (Circuit Switching)

什么是CS (Circuit Switching)  英文縮寫: CS (Circuit Switching) 中文譯名: 電路交換 分  類: 網絡與交換 解  釋
2010-02-22 17:29:297447

ipod touch使用指南

ipod touch使用指南:必備項目要使用 iPod touch,您需要:帶有 USB 2.0 端口的 Mac  或 PC,以及以下任一種操作系統: Mac OS X v10.4.10 或更高版本 Windows XP Home 或 Pr
2009-11-23 08:54:5911

iPhone 或 iPod touch如何與電腦同步

iPhone 或 iPod touch如何與電腦同步 將 iPhone 或 iPod touch 連接到電腦時,項目會按照 iTunes 中的偏好設置自動同步。例如,您可以在電
2010-02-02 09:56:4413074

AR1000應用電路(Touch Controller)

AR1000應用電路 The mTouch™ AR1000 Series Resistive Touch Screen Controller is a complete, easy to integrate, cost effective and universal touch screen cont
2009-07-31 07:37:581361

Circuit Digitizes Thermocouple

Circuit Digitizes Thermocouple Output near Sensing Point Abstract: This application note defines a
2009-09-27 14:52:001218


2016-02-17 14:42:327

Microwave Solid State Circuit

Microwave Solid State Circuit Design * Provides detailed coverage of passive and active RF
2008-12-23 22:49:2515

Sequencing Circuit Provides Ps

Sequencing Circuit Provides Pseudo Voltage Tracker Abstract: This application note presents three
2009-08-31 17:47:321109

AR7643,pdf datasheet (TOUCH PA

AR7643 touch panel controller IC is a 12-bit SAR analog-to-digital (ADC) converter withSPI serial
2009-08-27 16:58:3032

AR1000,pdf datasheet(Touch Con

The mTouch™ AR1000 Series Resistive Touch ScreenController is a complete, easy to integrate
2009-07-31 07:39:0022

The Future of In-Circuit Testi

The effectiveness of in-circuit test (ICT) was never chal-lenged for the past 20 years of its reign
2010-08-04 14:20:175

什么是CES (Circuit Emulation Serv

什么是CES (Circuit Emulation Service)  英文縮寫: CES (Circuit Emulation Service) 中文譯名: 電路仿真業務 分  類: 電信業務
2010-02-22 10:50:08541

Reset Circuit Ensures Valid Su

is present before applying it to the load. This simple circuit uses a reset circuit and the MOSFET to provide a protection circuit during po
2009-05-04 09:35:331030


2021-05-13 21:27:338


本文介紹了在APT32F102中使用TOUCH的應用范例。基于 APT32F102 完整的庫文件系統,對 TOUCH KEY 進行配置
2022-06-02 14:36:525

LTC2063/LT5400 Demo Circuit - RTD Sensor Circuit with ±1°C Precision

LTC2063/LT5400 Demo Circuit - RTD Sensor Circuit with ±1°C Precision
2021-02-05 15:41:335

蘋果停產iPod Nano/Shuffle iPod Touch將更名為iPad Touch到底靠不靠譜?

據外媒推測,蘋果將會對iPod Touch進行更名,同時產品的定位也將變為迷你平板電腦,從目前功能的角度來看,iPod Touch似乎和一個平板電腦沒有太大的區別。
2017-07-31 17:00:563537

an unbalanced mute circuit aud

an unbalanced mute circuit audio mixing channels
2009-04-17 22:35:2322

Op Amplifier Circuit Collectio

Op Amplifier Circuit Collection
2009-01-16 12:51:3971

LTC2063/LT5400 Demo Circuit - RTD Sensor Circuit with ±1°C Precision

LTC2063/LT5400 Demo Circuit - RTD Sensor Circuit with ±1°C Precision
2021-03-06 15:07:550


AN1215 APT32F102X基于IIC通訊的TOUCH應用
2022-06-14 15:45:165

Touch-activated Alarm circuits

Touch-activated Alarm,Attach trigger wire to the latch nut/bolt Isolate this Latch from any other metal parts
2008-03-12 22:41:49660


Circuit Simulation設計文檔
2016-02-17 14:37:2411

LTC6115 Demo Circuit - Current and Voltage Sensor Monitor Circuit for 16-Bit ?Σ ADC

LTC6115 Demo Circuit - Current and Voltage Sensor Monitor Circuit for 16-Bit ?Σ ADC
2021-02-01 14:52:2810


幾個比較實用的iPhone和Touch小竅門 很多朋友都在使用iPhone和iPod Touch了。下面是iPhone中文網總結的一些iPhone使用小竅門,非常有用。 1.回到頁
2010-02-02 09:12:22927

Printed Circuit Board Designer

Printed Circuit Board Designers Reference Basics:Printed circuit boards (PCBs) literally form
2009-11-26 10:04:3212

Simple Circuit Prevents USB Cu

Simple Circuit Prevents USB Current Overshoot During Insertion Abstract: When generating 5V for a
2009-10-23 18:21:14952

AD7873:Touch Screen Digitizer數據Sheet

AD7873:Touch Screen Digitizer數據Sheet
2021-05-19 08:51:251

AD7843:Touch Screen Digitizer數據Sheet

AD7843:Touch Screen Digitizer數據Sheet
2021-04-23 08:53:479

LTC2066/LT5400 Demo Circuit - RTD Sensor Circuit with ±1°C Precision

LTC2066/LT5400 Demo Circuit - RTD Sensor Circuit with ±1°C Precision
2021-02-01 14:39:289

LTC3779 Demo Circuit

LTC3779 Demo Circuit
2021-01-28 02:31:408

In-Circuit Programming of the

In-Circuit Programming of the MAX16031/MAX16032 EEPROM-Based System Monitors Abstract
2008-11-15 18:28:16816

淺析3D Touch壓力感應控技術

3D Touch觸控技術,其實,就是在Apple Watch上采用的Force Touch,屏幕可感應不同的感壓力度觸控3D Touch(在二維的Multi-Touch觸摸屏基礎上添加了可以對用戶
2019-01-08 10:30:405056


2016-06-02 17:14:0922

多普達HTC Touch Cruise說明書

多普達HTC Touch Cruise說明書l.pdf
2010-01-14 13:42:016

Circuit Enables PCs to Communi

Abstract: This application note describes a simple circuit allowing a PC to communicate via
2009-04-24 16:11:431083


2022-06-13 16:04:492


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