Abstract: When using an external thermal diode to measure temperature, the accuracy of the temperature measurement depends on the characteristics of the external diode. Two critical parameters that affect measurement accuracy are ideality factor and series resistance. This application note explains the effects of these parameters on remote temperature sensor measurements and discusses how to determine compensation factors for their effects. The most common approach to measuring temperature with a "remote diode" temperature sensor is to force two different currents through the diode1, typically with a current ratio of about 10:1. The diode's voltage is measured at each current level and the temperature is calculated based on the equation, ![]() IH is the larger diode bias current IL is the smaller diode bias current VH is the diode voltage while IH is flowing VL is the diode voltage while IL is flowing n is the ideality factor of the diode (nominally 1, but varies with processing) k is Boltzmann's constant (1.38x10-23joules/K) T is the temperature in K q is the charge of an electron (1.60x10-19C) If ![]() ![]() Ideality Factor CorrectionNote that the accuracy of the temperature reading depends on the value of n. If the remote diode sensor is designed to produce correct readings with a diode that has a specific value of n, changing to a diode with a different ideality factor will change the apparent measured temperature.Correcting for differences in ideality factor is done as follows: Assume a remote diode sensor designed for a nominal ideality factor nNOMINAL is used to measure the temperature of a diode with a different ideality factor nACTUAL. The measured temperature TMEASURED can be corrected using, ![]() where T is the temperature in °K. Most remote diode temperature sensors for CPUs are designed to produce accurate temperature data when used with an ideality factor of 1.008. Some newer CPU thermal sense diodes have lower ideality factors. To use a CPU optimized for an ideality factor of 1.008 with a CPU that has an ideality factor of 1.0021, the data can be corrected (assuming no series resistance) as follows: ![]() For an actual temperature of 85°C (358.15°K), the measured temperature will be 82.91°C (356.06°K), an error of -2.09°. Note that the error is proportional to absolute temperature. At 125°C, the error increases to -2.32°. Series Resistance CorrectionSeries resistance in one of the diodes contributes additional errors. For the nominal diode currents of 10μA and 100μA used in Maxim's remote temperature sensors, the change in the measured voltage will be,![]() Since 1°C corresponds to 198.6μV, series resistance contributes a temperature offset of ![]() Assume that the diode being measured has a series resistance of 3.86Ω. The series resistance contributes an offset of ![]() If the diode has an ideality factor of 1.0021 and series resistance of 3.86Ω, the total offset can be calculated as follows. Combining the correction for series resistance with the correction for ideality factor, we have ![]() for a diode temperature of 85°C. Thus, in this case the effect of the series resistance and the ideality factor partially cancel each other. Note that if the diode bias current is different, the effect of series resistance will change proportionally. For example, some remote temperature sensors have diode bias currents two or more times larger than those of Maxim's remote sensors. The resulting temperature errors can be on the order of two or more degrees larger than those observed with Maxim's sensors. 1This diode is not a two-lead rectifier or signal diode like a 1N4001. Such diodes will not work with remote-diode temperature sensors. Instead, the diode is really a bipolar transistor connected as a diode. If the transistor is a discrete unit, its base and collector should be connected together. If the transistor is a substrate PNP, the collector will be grounded and the base and emitter serve as the cathode and anode. When "diode" is used in this document, it refers to the diode-connected transistors described above.
Compensating for Ideality Fact
- 傳感器(738419)
- 二極管(160832)
53200 RF/通用頻率計數器/定時器型號:53210A,53220A和53230A產品簡介
Product Fact Sheet describing key features of the Keysight 53200 RF Universal Frequency Counter/Timers.
2018-09-29 10:20:32
提供。ACE控制器,ACE高周期減振器授權總代理SC650-HCMiniature self compensating shocks for high-speed
2018-04-20 16:01:21
CEC010C - Disc Ceramic Capacitors EIA Class 1 Temperature Compensating Capacitors - Cornell Dubilier Electronics
2022-11-04 17:22:44
Enterprise 3.3.153更新服務器屬性都消失了
in the database.. ... any help appreciated. Thank you as a matter of fact, all the server properties are gone... email, warning threshold...
2018-10-16 08:38:32
FT003-503 - TEMPERATURE COMPENSATING THERMISTORS FT Series: Coated Leaded Chip Type - RFE international
2022-11-04 17:22:44
Horizontal Deflection for 17" , 64 kHz Monitors Using Philips CU15/35 drive
designedoperate at frequencies up to 64 kHz; this Fact Sheet specifically for optimum switching
2009-05-12 14:13:15
and the installation was aborted.You can find the error in the attached file. I want in fact install
2019-05-06 12:51:08
ISE 12.3文本編輯器顏色編碼被禁用
翻譯以下為原文Hi, Currently I am facing a text editor color coding problem. In fact text editor
2019-01-28 11:09:11
描述Employing equalization techniques is an effective way of compensating for channel loss
2018-08-09 08:40:10
M9420A VXT PXIe矢量收發器產品簡介
This product fact sheet contains quick facts on the M9420A VXT PXIe vector transceiver
2018-10-18 11:41:44
Microstick II不適用于MPLAB X V4.15
screen. In fact nothing under starter kits shows up available. Is there driver software that I need to install?
2018-09-30 15:40:12
N5181A MXG射頻模擬信號發生器-產品簡介
This two-page product fact sheet highlights the key features and specifications for Electromechanical High Performance SPDT Switches.
2018-09-20 09:59:26
The N8900 Autoranging System DC Power Supplies product fact sheet describes key features of this high-power, autoranging output series.
2018-09-27 16:31:26
are offset by ~0.5-0.7 dB (after compensating for line losses between the source and the spectrum. Any idea what could cause this?
2019-03-08 10:41:51
think it is the worst value(have a lot of margin).In fact, I think required time is more short.Could
2018-12-06 14:44:44
TC003-202J-3950J - TEMPERATURE COMPENSATING THERMISTORS FT Series: Coated Leaded Chip Type - RFE international
2022-11-04 17:22:44
TC005-201 - TEMPERATURE COMPENSATING THERMISTORS TC Series: Radial Leaded - RFE international
2022-11-04 17:22:44
TC005-250 - TEMPERATURE COMPENSATING THERMISTORS TC Series: Radial Leaded - RFE international
2022-11-04 17:22:44
TC005-351 - TEMPERATURE COMPENSATING THERMISTORS TC Series: Radial Leaded - RFE international
2022-11-04 17:22:44
TC005-402 - TEMPERATURE COMPENSATING THERMISTORS TC Series: Radial Leaded - RFE international
2022-11-04 17:22:44
Ubuntu 16.04安裝DocNav 2017.1工具提示不起作用
installed the DocNav 2017.1 under Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Works fine appart from the fact the tooltip shows nothing. Anyone experiencing the same problem? Thanks
2019-04-28 07:08:40
something error. Does this have something to do with the fact that I am running vista? I am currently reinstalling the program to see if it will do anything.
2019-01-08 10:09:38
供應 HP83752A 二手 HP83752A
*10-10/日(電壓改變10%)CW和手動方式精度:穩定度*fact時基分辨率:±1HZ轉換時間(典型值)70ms max精度1,2,掃描頻率間隔的0.01%時基穩定度*fact或75KHZ時基穩定度
2020-12-04 10:29:04
Hello, PSoc creator has an issue where so-called unused variables are optimized out despite the fact
2019-05-28 08:14:22
合成中的Vivado HLS中的Pragma錯誤怎么解決
模擬過程完成沒有0錯誤,但在合成期間顯示錯誤。我無法找到錯誤。我在合成期間在HLS工具中收到這樣的錯誤“在E中包含的文件:/thaus / fact_L / facoriall
2020-05-21 13:58:09
回收現貨 HP83752A HP83752A
*10-10/日(電壓改變10%)CW和手動方式精度:穩定度*fact時基分辨率:±1HZ轉換時間(典型值)70ms max精度1,2,掃描頻率間隔的0.01%時基穩定度*fact或75KHZ時基穩定度
2021-07-19 10:50:58
在Vivado 2015.4和ISE 14.7中實現的相同設計之間的資源利用率是否會有任何差異?
between the same design implemented in Vivado 2015.4 and ISE 14.7? Considering the fact that, IPs
2019-04-24 09:12:08
and the installation was aborted.You can find the error in the attached file. I want in fact install
2019-07-17 07:12:48
數字集成電路(Digital Integrated Circuits A Design Perspective)經典IC設計電子書
In fact, they start to dominate some of the relevant metrics of digitalintegrated circuits
2008-08-17 22:20:18
int fact(int n)
return n;
2023-10-16 08:04:45
This two-page product fact sheet highlights the key features and specifications for Keysight’s Laser Interferometer System Cables.
2018-10-31 17:46:41
enters an unknown state. We have discovered that the program in fact gets stuck in a function inside
2019-04-18 13:49:04
, which uses a USB charge controller and a buck converter .The design is capable of compensating
2018-11-08 16:44:46
parameter s of the Hall sensor are used correctly and if the technologies of compensating fortemperature
2009-10-23 17:41:50
C0G (NP0) is the most popular formulation of the “tempera-ture-compensating,” EIA Class I ceramic
2008-07-17 17:58:16
EL9115 pdf datasheet (Triple A
This part is perfectfor compensating for the skew introduced by a typical CAT-5cable with differing electrical lengths on each pai
2009-01-16 08:56:16
ISL59920 pdf datasheet (Triple
signals. Theseparts are ideal for compensating for the skew introduced bya typical CAT-5 cable (with differing electrical length
2009-01-17 20:59:17
The Method of OnLine Soft Meas
Absrnet Aimingat the fact that the directon -linein strumentme asuring the degrees Baumeo fbl ackli
2009-01-21 11:51:30
in the portable phone. As a matter of fact, the large reservoir capacitor and high voltageassociated with the xenon flash make such a concept not sui
2009-04-27 15:18:51
用飛利浦CU15 35驅動變壓器和BU4522AF AX晶體
designedoperate at frequencies up to 64 kHz; this Fact Sheet specifically for optimum switching of Philips deflectiondescribes Philips
2009-05-12 14:11:38
比較可加載和不可加載計數器的不同,介紹用XC3000 XC3
to exploitthe fact that the more significant bits toggle much moreslowly than the less significant bits.The carry chain for the
2009-05-13 11:47:28
比較可加載和不可加載計數器的不同,介紹用XC3000 XC3
to exploitthe fact that the more significant bits toggle much moreslowly than the less significant bits.
2009-05-15 13:31:47
The L6560 IC is especially designed to be used inlighting applications. In fact, the IC is very
2009-05-30 15:11:05
voltage. This is indicatedby the fact that almost all important op amps from the μA741and LM101 on have offered offset null adju
2009-06-02 11:22:39
world. While this fact is generally accepted, the form this I/O takesincludes everything from parallel and bitaddressable digital I/O, a
2009-06-27 11:28:12
computing devices is its integration into a larger electrical or electro- mechanical system. While this is generally true, the fact remains t
2009-06-27 11:32:36
Ceramic Capacitors 4for Automotive GCM Series 5Temperature Compensating Type GCM15 Series 5Temper
2009-10-05 07:33:00
) 3Marking 4Temperature Compensating Type, C0G Characteristics 5High Dielectric Constant Type, X7
2009-10-05 07:34:01
The fact that some op-amps are dubbed instrumentationamplifiers (or in-amps) by their suppliers
2009-11-06 15:17:43
Electromagnetic Field Basics
a good understanding of electromagnetic fields. So electromagnetic fields often get a bad rap. But in fact, they are neither good nor bad, p
2010-01-15 10:24:08
Freescale Single-Package Tire
that maintaining proper tire pressure is a nuisance and keeping our cars clean deserves more attention. In fact, a Rubber Manufacturers Association s
2010-03-18 16:26:26
range. High accuracy constant Current output. Ultra high efficiency (Up to>91%) High Power fact
2010-04-19 15:31:02
DC-DC Converters Feedback and
margin and quality coefficienth8713; Undershoot and crossover frequencyh8713; Compensating
2010-07-30 09:19:10
SN65HVD230Q,pdf(Military Fact
HIGHLIGHTSThe SN65HVD230Q, SN65HVD231Q and SN65HVD232Q controller area network (CAN)transceivers are designed for use with the Texas Instruments TMS320Lx240x 3.3-V DSPsand Microcontrollers with CAN controllers or equivalent dev
2010-08-23 12:15:22
SN65HVD232Q,pdf(Military Fact
The SN65HVD230Q, SN65HVD231Q, and SN65HVD232Q controller area network (CAN) transceivers are designed for use with the Texas Instruments TMS320Lx240x 3.3-V DSPs with CAN controllers, or with equivalent devices. They are intended for use
2010-08-23 12:22:33
POWR-GARD Protection Relays an
for a motor, including ground-fault protection and insulation monitoring. The fact that the PGR-6100 has predictive as well
2010-08-26 14:25:26
P-FET Linear Regulator Has Low
loss associated with base drive in a pnp circuit. P-FETs also have a lower saturation voltage at light loads (Figure 1). In fact, th
2009-02-22 14:07:49
Curve Fitting the Error of a B
to improve the accuracy of bandgap-based digital temperature sensors. This method increases the accuracy by compensating for the offset and curvatur
2009-04-17 11:59:25
The MAX1463 Sensor Compensatio
Abstract: A descriptive tutorial is presented for compensating pressure sensors using the MAX1463
2009-04-20 16:00:43
Miniature Flow Sensor Has Elec
with a micro-electromechanical system and two pressure sensor compensating integrated circuits (ICs). The flow rate of a fluid can be determin
2009-04-20 16:21:17
Approaches for Compensating Sp
Abstract: Sensor compensation has historically been based on an analog architecture. The advent of high-performance calculating engines for digital-sensor signal processing (DSSP) has recently made such architectures available for use in p
2009-04-20 16:23:44
介紹DS1847用于工業控制-Introduction of
temperature-controlled variable resistors, to the industrial controls market. By temperature compensating the resistors, the resistors can either remain at a sp
2009-04-28 13:38:27
補償檢測電阻自暖氣-Compensating for Sen
Abstract: Many of Dallas Semiconductor’s battery monitors contain the option to include an internal sense resistor to measure current. In certain applications, heat generated by the flow of current through the sense resistor can introduc
2009-04-30 11:58:55
of the temperature measurement depends on the characteristics of the external diode. Two critical parameters that affect measurement accuracy are ideality
2009-05-04 09:09:40
MAX1463傳感器的補償算法-The MAX1463 Se
Abstract: A descriptive tutorial is presented for compensating pressure sensors using the MAX1463
2009-05-06 08:50:22
pFET線性穩壓低壓差-pFET Linear Regula
loss associated with base drive in a pnp circuit. pFETs also have a lower saturation voltage at light loads (Figure 1). In fact, the low RDS
2009-05-06 09:56:39
介紹DS1847用于工業控制-Introduction of
temperature-controlled variable resistors, to the industrial controls market. By temperature compensating the resistors, the resistors can either remain at a sp
2009-05-08 08:58:22
Compensating for the Nonlinear
Compensating for the Nonlinear APD Response
Abstract: Optical laser modules require
2009-09-27 14:19:38
Rail-to-Rail: Railroading and
rail-to-rail components for years that were, in fact, nearly rail to rail. Op amps employ the same nearly rail-to-rail tradition. This ap
2009-10-03 08:42:24
This fact sheet answers the most frequently asked health questions about vanadium.
2009-11-20 10:39:40
表貼電容的分類Class 1-------------[C0G]–Temperature compensating capacitors: have low levels of barium
2009-11-21 11:49:35
temperature andelectronic devices is the source of more design headachesthan any other consideration. In fact, instead of eliminating or compens
2012-01-06 14:41:17
傳感器信號調節 - 用于信號調節的ADC
Modern data converters generally operate on 5V (dualsupply) or +5V (single supply). In fact, many new converters operate on a single +3Vsupply
2012-11-06 17:56:56
C0G (NP0) is the most popular formulation of the “temperature-compensating,” EIA Class I ceramic
2016-02-22 11:27:16
to everyone can, in fact, be a matter of life and death. Managing water resources is a serious challenge
2017-03-29 11:22:15
consideration. In fact, instead of eliminating or compensating for thermal parasitics in circuits, it is possible
2017-05-05 11:02:10
, and much of the Swift standard library is built with generic code. In fact, youve been using g
2017-09-25 10:01:59
的不同匯編代碼。 C源程序如下所示。 int fact1 (int n) { int i, fact = 1; for (i = 1; i 《= n; i++) fact *= i; return
2017-10-17 16:55:59
2019-08-14 09:28:22
2019-09-20 15:48:08
2020-03-08 11:44:00
快速分析技術(Fast Analytical Techniques ,簡稱FACT)的基本原理是確定在兩個不同條件下的電路時間常數:激勵信號消失(Vout降至0V)時和響應清零(VFB=0)時。
2020-06-02 16:20:11
2020-07-31 17:30:58
Compensating for Light Flicker on Optical Sensors (DN 22)
2021-02-26 07:05:06
FACT 數據表的額定值、規格和波形
2022-12-01 19:36:14