對于以IC為中心的方法,Celsius Thermal Solver 不僅解決了顯而易見的問題,還解決了 3D IC、裸片到裸片鍵合和硅通孔 (TSV) 問題,在裸片上提供了溫度和功率圖,并同時考慮了所有這些的復雜性。
2020-11-10 16:33:30
2146 本帖最后由 ORCAD__PCB 于 2012-8-9 14:38 編輯
(Delmar) Digital Signal Processing
2012-08-09 14:34:16
2023-03-30 17:35:03
2023-03-30 17:35:03
2023-03-22 20:45:39
2023-03-22 20:43:12
Digital Thermometer.vi和Generate Waveform.vi兩個子程序
2012-06-29 22:05:13
Digital Image Processing
2016-06-24 14:08:55
Digital video technologiesContents What is digital video?Why has digital video become a mainstream
2008-08-04 15:35:24
Digital video technologiesContents What is digital video?Why has digital video become a mainstream
2008-08-04 15:49:28
速度傳感器技術—電壓模型法目錄電機控制系列文章前言一、TI例程原理二、解析三、簡化總結前言上一篇文章談到電壓模型法估計轉子磁鏈,其中提到有一種方法與TI的方法有些淵源,今天就來講講。在TI的controlSUITE里提供了一個叫digital motor control library的庫,路徑
2021-09-06 07:40:28
2021-08-12 07:32:51
Analog and Digital Filter Design-老外寫的 [hide]Analog and Digital Filter Design.rar[/hide]
2009-10-20 12:11:54
2023-03-27 12:17:15
Designing RF, Analog and Digital on PCB A Unified Systems Approach 設計射頻,模擬和數字電路板的統一的系統方法
2009-10-10 12:19:49
TI的Fusion Digital Power(整合數字電源)產品系列著眼于兩大方面:數字電源驅動器(UCD7K)以及數字脈寬調制控制器(UCD9K)。此類產品是特定的電源管理器件,極為適用于對可配
2011-03-11 15:26:55
IntuiLink for Digital Multimeters的自述文件,版本1.3.3
2019-11-04 06:05:19
有誰知道PLV write to digital port.vi 這個子vi
2011-08-10 11:01:52
PS仿真時出現錯誤: Digital Simulator Option not present和Digital simulator not present。我在網上下載的6N137元器件模型,其中
2019-01-20 10:53:36
Real Analog Solutions for Digital Designers
2017-01-08 14:58:51
SensorTag并沒有使用標準的Thermometer profile來傳遞數據到iOS的SensorTag程序,而是把紅外溫感sensor的raw data傳輸到了iOS設備,然后
2018-06-06 05:45:50
Serial_Digital_Scope的使用前言前期準備使用步驟1.配置串口2.加入上位機的 API 代碼文件3.代碼更改和編寫4.虛擬示波器配置結束語前言在調試小車的PID的時候,苦惱于無法更直
2022-01-14 07:45:23
2023-03-27 12:16:51
Digital Control,有沒有,在哪里,兄弟是菜鳥求助
2012-10-29 10:40:20
LabVIEW Digital Signal Processing and Digital Communications很不錯。{:12:}
2014-09-03 08:32:41
如標題:CC2540/CC2541 Thermometer 例程中,第一次寫Measurement Interval后會自動彈出一個配對窗口,在Thermometer例程中是怎么實現的???
2019-09-24 14:22:09
在Thermometer_SetParameter函數里面下面幾個參數被注釋掉了,不太理解為什么?還有CCC是啥意思?有文檔講這個概念嗎?case THERMOMETER
2019-09-23 14:21:39
我們可以在Digital vlsi系統設計中使用LVDS嗎?它的規格是什么?我們可以用Verilog HDL編碼來設計LVDS嗎?
2020-04-08 06:38:29
which is digital sensor,而我是用 arduino UNO board.由於小弟並不懂用打C++ 語言,所以使用了LabVIEW,並加裝了Linx,因為我知要用Linx先可以放入
2015-02-21 12:55:37
2016-06-21 19:58:21
數字圖像處理,Digital Image ProcessingIntroduction and Digital Image Fundamentals?What is an Image?Picture
2009-06-18 07:49:37
大神們,如果想學習digital filter設計,哪本書最經典?求大神們推薦一本digital filter的經典書籍
2021-06-22 06:48:37
求破解版 serial digital scope,或高手指導破解
2016-12-20 17:44:37
誰有Digital Thermometer.vi文件的發個,謝謝{:4_115:}
2013-01-08 09:00:25
Advanced Digital Signal Processing and Noise Reduction
2006-03-25 15:48:54
32 Digital_Signal_Processing_Handbook
2006-03-26 14:12:08
26 Introduction to Digital Audio Coding and Standards
2008-10-20 17:26:25
23 The DS18S20 digital thermometer provides 9-bit Celsius temperature measurements and has an alarm
2008-12-08 15:07:55
15 The DS75 digital thermometer and thermostat provides 9, 10, 11, or 12-bit digital temperature
2008-12-08 15:45:11
14 The DS1624 consists of a digital thermometer and 256 bytes of E2memory. The thermometer
2008-12-08 16:06:33
28 The DS620 digital thermometer and thermostatprovides low-voltage (1.7V ≤ VDD ≤ 3.5V
2008-12-08 16:17:41
12 This low-voltage (1.7V to 3.7V) digital thermometer and thermostat provides 9-, 10-, 11-, or 12-bit
2008-12-08 16:19:32
28 The DS1722 Digital Thermometer and Thermostat with SPI/3-Wire Interface provides temperature
2008-12-08 16:34:24
15 Digital Signal Processing System-Level Design Using LabVIEW
For many years, I have been teaching
2009-02-17 10:27:31
0 Digital signal processing (DSP) refers to anything that can be done to asignal using code
2009-02-17 15:36:39
0 The effects on digital signals of slotted ground
2009-03-24 14:13:00
0 This paper describes the USB transport services and protocol formats that support Digital
2009-04-11 19:23:34
19 Digital Signal Processing with FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Arrays)-Springer
2009-06-08 18:26:21
63 Digital Image Processing:•What is an Image?Picture, photographVisual dataUsually two or three
2009-06-18 07:39:37
17 a built-in LCD and RS-485 communicat ion por t . I t is designed around Atmel’s AT89C2051 processor, a DS1620 digital thermometer/ the
2009-06-27 11:34:06
75 Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems provides an exciting and challenginglaboratory component
2009-07-22 11:19:54
0 Why publish yet another book on digital design and computer architecture?There are dozens of good
2009-07-23 08:42:13
Digital Frequency Synthesis Demystified:
This text deals with emerging modern digital
2009-07-25 17:08:29
0 This report presents the design of a digital oscilloscope for a Digilent D2SB system board
2009-07-27 16:56:16
0 Digital Oscilloscope User Manual:
2009-07-27 17:03:16
2 FPGA Implementation Of Digital Timing Recovery In Software Radio Receiver:
2009-07-27 17:53:16
2 DDS(Direct Digital Synthesizer)常見問題解答:直接數字式頻率綜合器DDS(Direct Digital Synthesizer),實際上是一種分頻器:通過編程頻率控制字來分頻系統時鐘(SYSTEM CLOCK)以產生所需要的頻
2009-09-03 08:29:09
13 Direct digital synthesis (DDS) is a method of producing an analogwaveform—usually a sine wave
2009-11-19 15:25:54
26 Control Techniques– Traditional Analog– Traditional Digital– Modern Digital Examples
2009-11-28 14:15:46
131 DS18B20 pdf,datasheet
Programmable Resolution 1-Wire Digital Thermometer
The DS18B20 Digital
2010-04-26 10:45:10
57 PROGRAMME Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
2010-07-05 11:21:48
10 The GC5322 is a wideband digital predistortion transmit processor that includes a digital
2010-07-08 17:28:03
28 The world of digital video standards is a complicated one,with many different standards groups
2010-07-11 16:27:09
3 Agilent’s digital multimeters lead the industry in speed and accuracy and have a proven track
2010-08-17 11:27:18
14 Digital Potentiometers Replace Mechanical Potentiometers
Abstract: Digitally adjustable
2008-11-19 10:23:36
a 12-bit digital thermometer using a low-cost, 8-bit microcontroller (μC) and the MPASM free assembler. The thermomet
2009-03-31 22:25:39
This application note explains how to implement a 12-bit digital thermometer using a low-cost
2009-04-17 10:18:35
yields a single-channel, isolated digital-signal coupler. Optocouplers are the usual choice for coupling digital signals be
2009-04-29 09:25:46
in iButton® data carriers (tokens). The document defines a digital certificate called a "Maxim Digital Monetary Certificate" (a.k.a., "eCertific
2009-05-08 11:33:10
Level Shifting Digital Signals
By: Budge Ing
2009-08-21 07:49:53
Level Shifting Digital Signals
By: Budge Ing
2009-08-21 07:49:53
1176 ICs Form Simple Thermometer-Style Voltage Indicator
Abstract: This application note describes
2009-09-18 08:09:28
A/D converter, monitors the resulting digital outputs, and produces a logarithmic thermometer-code format to control multiple power ou
2009-10-15 09:12:28
Digital 8攝像機
Digital 8與DV帶一樣,擁有500線水平解像度以上的畫質,所以質量上比舊式攝像機要好。而Digital 8與DV帶不同的是,它采用了8毫米的金屬磁帶
2009-12-21 09:04:58
947 什么是ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)
英文縮寫: ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)
中文譯名: 非對稱數字用戶線
2010-02-22 10:09:52
860 什么是ADC (Analog to Digital Converter)
英文縮寫: ADC (Analog to Digital Converter)
中文譯名: 模數變換器
分 類: IP與多媒
2010-02-22 10:11:25
620 什么是Digital Business
英文縮寫: Digital Business
中文譯名: 數字企業
分 類: 其它
解 釋: 能把新技術與
2010-02-22 17:35:11
3277 什么是Digital Certificate,also,digital signature
英文縮寫: Digital Certificate,also,digital signature
中文譯名: 數字證書(也稱數
2010-02-22 17:35:58
1185 What Is Portable Digital Storage?
Portable digital storage is a storage solution which is designed
2010-03-25 11:16:34
857 DTS Digital DTS是“Digital Theatre System”的縮寫,
2010-01-04 15:37:08
838 Dolby Digital 1994年12月27日,日本
2010-01-04 15:39:15
1203 Digital filtering is an integral part of many digital signal processing algorithms. Digital
2016-02-16 18:18:45
5 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture
2017-10-18 10:55:31
12 同近期聯想的召回原因相似,由于電池存在過熱、可能引發火災等安全隱患富士通已經宣布召回部分Lifebook和Celsius系列筆記本。截至目前全球范圍內僅有一起電池導致起火事件發生,但是富士通經過慎重考慮最終還是決定召回這些問題筆記本。
2018-06-07 20:57:00
使用NOKIA3310液晶屏及DS18B20制作的數字溫度計,Digital thermometer
2018-09-20 18:56:47
509 液晶顯示的數字式電腦溫度計,Digital Thermometer
2018-09-20 19:42:08
1968 Celsius正在尋求改善這種關系,并返回更多的控制權給客戶。他們的使命宣言是“讓加密技術繼續傳播,并獲得動力,接下來我們必須帶1億人進入加密社區”。為了做到這一點,由真正的團隊建造的真正的產品必須為公眾提供真正的效用。
2019-08-20 14:34:15
362 ADI Signals+ Digital Health
2021-01-29 09:56:10
0 View the reference design for Digital Thermometer Demonstration. http://www.zgszdi.cn/soft/ has
2021-07-09 18:09:02
3 this is the digital thermometer
2022-02-10 14:05:13
0 電子發燒友網為你提供ADI(ADI)MAX14906: Quad-Channel Industrial Digital Output, Digital Input Data Sheet相關產品參數
2023-10-13 18:44:47

楷登電子(Cadence Design Systems)今日宣布推出了一款業界領先的產品——Cadence? Celsius? Studio。這款產品是業內首個完整的用于電子系統的AI散熱設計和分析解決方案,專為滿足現代電子設計中日益復雜的散熱需求而打造。
2024-02-03 11:32:27