2015-08-20 14:46:01
16789 軟啟動,相信硬件工程師都不會對這個名詞感到陌生。隨意打開一篇開關電源芯片的datasheet,都能看到對soft-start(軟啟動)的描述。隨著芯片集成度的提高,軟啟動電路也集成到了電源芯片內部,這樣在減輕工程師工作的同時,也導致部分工程師對軟啟動了解不夠、重視不足。
2015-08-16 11:12:11
5591 motor driver with advanced protections including soft-start circuitry, thermal shutdown, lock
2021-06-30 14:47:35
Universal DesignFrequency Spread Spectrum (FSS) significantly reduces peak EMI noiseProgrammable Over Current Protection (OCP)Programmable Soft-Start
2018-11-26 11:38:57
between constant current charging and constant voltage charging stages. Built-in soft-start prevents
2023-06-09 09:33:21
ADM1177 - Hot Swap Controller and Digital Power Monitor with Soft-Start Pin - Analog Devices
2022-11-04 17:22:44
2023-11-07 21:56:40
2024-03-14 20:16:36
overload.Features· Wide 2.7V to 6V Input Voltage Range· Built-in 0.2W N-Channel MOSFET· Built-in Soft-Start· High Efficiency up to 90%·
2018-12-26 11:41:07
soft-start results in small inrush current and extends battery life. The PL2628featuresautomatic shifting
2020-10-31 13:58:04
Current Consumption: 4mA˙Internal Fixed Oscillator Frequency: 320KHz (Typ.)˙Internal Soft-Start Function
2019-01-22 14:08:26
我正在使用'使用xapp1026-LightWeight IP(lwIP)應用示例'用于Spartan6 bsp,Xilinx版本13.1。我可以看到FPGA配置使用'Soft_TEMAC'而不是
2019-01-24 10:57:31
, adjustable soft-start function prevents inrush current at turn-on. This device uses current mode
2020-10-23 09:29:08
shutdown. The soft-start function prevents inrush current at turn-on. This device uses current mode control
2020-10-23 09:26:10
to 94% efficiency High efficiency (>78%) at light load Internal Soft-Start Fixed 1.2MHz Switching
2022-01-27 14:50:47
LT3580 - Boost/Inverting DC/DC Converter with 2A Switch, Soft-Start, and Synchronization - Linear Technology
2022-11-04 17:22:44
LTDCJ - Boost/Inverting DC/DC Converter with 2A Switch, Soft-Start, and Synchronization - Linear Technology
2022-11-04 17:22:44
“An internal 2.5μA current source will charge up the external soft-start capacitor towards the INTVCC voltage
2024-01-04 08:29:00
2018-03-24 17:05:26
MCIMX53-START - i.MX53 Quick Start Development Board - Freescale Semiconductor, Inc
2022-11-04 17:22:44
and 36V, 140mΩ low side power MOSFET switches
Up to 97% efficiency
Internal Soft-Start limits
2023-05-15 09:41:00
Soft-Start limits the inrush current at turn-on
Stable with Low ESR Ceramic Output Capacitors
2023-06-07 16:12:25
toreduce power loss during the normal operation. Programmable soft-start time controls the slew
2020-11-04 11:58:13
2021-04-16 06:22:24
2023-02-15 11:10:15
Voltage Protection? Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM)? Internal Soft-Start? 100mΩ/50mΩ Low RDS
2021-10-19 10:07:39
TPS742 1.5-A Ultra-LDO With Programmable Soft-Start datasheet (Rev. N)
2022-11-04 17:22:44
TPS74401 3.0-A, Ultra-LDO with Programmable Soft-Start datasheet (Rev. R)
2022-11-04 17:22:44
TPS74901 3-A Low Dropout Linear Regulator With Programmable Soft-Start datasheet (Rev. I)
2022-11-04 17:22:44
2022-11-04 17:22:44
faultsand soft-start function. Accurate hysteretic thermal shutdown ensures safe average PCB
2019-08-13 09:52:24
the External Components? Internal Compensation Function? Internal Soft-Start Limits the Inrush
2020-10-28 11:07:45
over voltage protection and thermal shutdown. Besides, adjustable soft-start function prevents inrush
2020-10-22 10:49:02
soft-start function prevents inrush current at turn-on. This device uses current mode control scheme
2020-10-24 09:30:40
, adjustable soft-start function prevents inrush current at turn-on. This device uses current mode
2020-10-22 10:44:43
soft-start function prevents inrush current at turn-on. This device uses current mode control
2020-10-24 09:26:13
efficiency up to 90%Built in Frequency CompensationBuilt in Soft-Start FunctionBuilt in Thermal
2018-12-04 14:40:09
Universal designFrequency Spread Spectrum (FSS) significantly reduces peak EMI noiseProgrammable Over Current Protection (OCP)Programmable Soft-Start
2018-07-13 09:09:44
? Internal Soft-start Limits the Inrush Current? Internal Compensation Function? 100% Dropout Operation
2020-10-29 10:04:59
programmable soft-start function and VADJ, IADJ pins are used to program output VBUS voltage
2023-04-25 09:25:37
Current-Sensing Configuration? External Soft-Start and Compensation for Higher Flexibility? Programmable
2015-12-17 10:54:27
Switching Frequency Minimizes the External Components Internal Soft-Start Limits the Inrush Current
2020-07-03 16:29:49
, which(...)主要特色Programable Soft-Start with TrackingOutput Remote SenseAdaptive Deadtime ControlUltrafast Line and Load Transient Response
2018-07-24 08:17:49
or batterypoweredsystems. This device has a start-up voltageof 0.9V and a typical supply current of 80 μA. Phasecompensation and soft-start
2008-08-07 10:55:13
15 converters.
This family of devices offers design flexibility with a variety of user programmable functions, including; soft-start, UVLO
2008-08-08 01:03:41
11 , step-downcontrollers. The TPS4005x family offers designflexibility with a variety of user programmablefunctions, including soft-start, UVLO, op
2008-08-08 01:05:32
91 is proposed togenerate logic-supply voltages for PC based systems. Thehigh-performance device includes internal soft-start,freque
2008-12-13 01:39:41
9 is proposed togenerate logic-supply voltages for PC based systems. Thehigh-performance device includes internal soft-start,frequen
2008-12-13 01:40:45
21 in PC basedsystems. These high performance , single output devicesinclude internal soft-start, frequency compensationnetwor
2008-12-13 01:41:46
46 Abstract: This document will cover a methodology for extending the 1-Wire® range to a limit
2009-05-08 11:45:43
23 文章介紹了軟件部署的新技術Java Web Start的工作流程、特性以及其核心JNLP,并且用實例指出了Java Web Start應用程序的部署步驟和需要注意的問題,論證了在工業自動化利用Java Web Start
2009-07-08 09:47:09
17 control, programmable switching frequency, Programmable soft-start, No high voltage gat
2022-12-15 15:47:06
differences of theLM5025C are: The maximum duty cycle of the LM5025C isincreased from 80% to 91%. The soft-start capacitor charging
2009-09-29 15:13:15
16 for applications powered by a 5-V distributed source. With internally determined operating frequency, soft-start time, and control loop compensati
2010-10-02 20:31:32
9 soft-start, programmable UVLO and hysteresis, programmable current limit with hiccup recovery and can be synchronized to other timebases
2010-10-05 20:28:22
11 The TPS40056 offers design flexibility with a variety of user programmable functions, including soft-start, operating frequency, high-side
2010-10-05 20:55:41
9 controller. The TPS40100 offers programmable closed loop soft-start, programmable UVLO (with programmable hysteresis), programmable inductor sens
2010-10-05 21:13:06
19 controllers. The TPS4005x family offers design flexibility with a variety of user-programmable functions, including soft-start, UVLO, operating fr
2010-10-05 21:21:29
65 converters. The TPS4005x family offers design flexibility with a variety of user programmable functions, including soft-start, UVLO, operating fr
2010-10-05 21:30:00
12 The TPS40052 offers design flexibility with a variety of user programmable functions, including soft-start, operating frequency, high-side
2010-10-05 21:44:49
12 converters.
This family of devices offers design flexibility with a variety of user programmable functions, including; soft-start, UVLO
2010-10-05 21:50:49
26 solution for a wide variety of applications. User-programmable soft-start minimizes stress on the input power source by reducing capacitive
2010-10-10 20:58:55
6 solution for a wide variety of applications. User-programmable soft-start minimizes stress on the input power source by reducing capacitive
2010-10-10 21:22:11
15 solution for a wide variety of applications. User-programmable soft-start minimizes stress on the input power source by reducing capacitive
2010-10-10 21:48:01
31 managementsolution for a wide variety of applications.User-programmable soft-start minimizes stress on theinput power sou
2010-10-20 20:59:51
12 solution for a wide variety of applications. User-programmable soft-start minimizes stress on the input power source by reducing capacitive
2010-10-20 21:07:16
8 solution for a wide variety of applications. User-programmable soft-start minimizes stress on the input power source by reducing capacitive
2010-10-20 21:09:50
30 solution for a wide variety of applications. User-programmable soft-start minimizes stress on the input power source by reducing capacitive
2010-10-20 21:16:27
8 To emulate the natural soft start of an incandescent bulb, this circuit makes use
2010-08-21 21:31:53
1856 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com//web2/M00/A5/AE/wKgZomUMOZSASf1dAAAvNIc1YeQ308.gif)
2015-12-29 10:54:14
0 Soft-Designs--Instruments,好東西,喜歡的朋友可以下載來學習。
2016-02-17 17:35:16
0 Soft-Designs--Kernel,好東西,喜歡的朋友可以下載來學習。
2016-02-17 17:36:16
0 Soft-Design-Showcases. Tetris
2016-02-17 17:51:38
0 Soft-Designs--Display
2016-02-17 18:00:59
0 Soft-Designs--Analog,好東西,喜歡的朋友可以下載來學習。
2016-02-17 18:18:18
0 Soft-Designs--C to Hardware,好東西,喜歡的朋友可以下載來學習。
2016-02-17 18:04:06
0 Soft-Designs--Audio,好東西,喜歡的朋友可以下載來學習。
2016-02-17 18:04:27
0 Soft-Designs--C++,好東西,喜歡的朋友可以下載來學習。
2016-02-17 18:04:36
0 Soft-Designs-Legacy-KeypadScanner。
2016-03-21 14:36:32
0 loss during the normal operation. Programmable soft-start time controls the slew rate of the output
2016-10-13 17:37:31
20 loss during the normal operation. Programmable soft-start time controls the slew rate of the output
2016-10-13 17:37:31
112 loss during the normal operation. Programmable soft-start time controls the slew rate of the output
2016-10-13 17:37:31
26 soft-start, an enable input and a power-good output. The soft-start reduces inrush current of the load
2017-08-30 14:37:04
5 soft-start, an enable input and a power-good output. The soft-start reduces inrush current of the load
2017-08-30 14:51:42
4 Uboot中start.S源碼的指令級的詳盡解析
2017-10-30 08:47:51
28 宣布個好消息:TCL云游戲生態將聯合騰訊START云游戲,為玩家打造高質量云游戲體驗! 隨著5G技術的普及,各大游戲廠商們均開始提前布局開發云游戲,游戲巨頭騰訊當然也不錯過,推出了騰訊 START
2020-12-08 13:50:44
1621 2月28日消息,近日,騰訊START云游戲官方通過微博宣布,安卓移動版正式開啟測試。
2021-03-01 09:13:36
2058 DK-START-4CX15N初始化基特架構
2021-05-09 21:33:03
6 DK-START-5AGXB3N初始化基特架構
2021-05-24 08:00:03
2021-05-24 13:42:02
1 View the reference design for MCIMX53-START-R. http://www.zgszdi.cn/soft/ has thousands of reference designs to help bring your project to life.
2021-06-28 10:11:37
1 AN1103 Quick Start_APT32F102x系列
2022-06-14 15:46:53
4 電子發燒友網站提供《DK START GW2AR18原理圖.pdf》資料免費下載
2022-09-16 16:42:48
1 電子發燒友網站提供《DK START GW1N4原理圖.pdf》資料免費下載
2022-09-16 16:39:44
0 電子發燒友網站提供《DK START GW1N9 V1.1原理圖.pdf》資料免費下載
2022-09-16 11:55:28
2 電子發燒友網站提供《DK START GW1N1原理圖.pdf》資料免費下載
2022-09-19 10:58:05
0 要使用start()啟動一個sequence,就必須要指定相應的sequencer句柄, **另外的幾個選項一般用不上** 。其中
2023-03-21 11:37:28
479 ![](https://file1.elecfans.com/web2/M00/81/DF/wKgZomQZJkiAKEhgAAEAVOJOCXc258.jpg)
上次我們寫過了 Linux 啟動詳細流程,這次單獨解析 start_kernel 函數。
2023-04-17 18:05:58
772 電子發燒友網站提供《ADI FAST START 物聯網平臺應用介紹.pdf》資料免費下載
2023-11-27 09:27:13