LTC3115-1 是一款高電壓、單片式、同步降壓-升壓型 DC/DC 轉換器。該器件的 2.7V 至 40V 寬輸入和輸出電壓范圍使其非常適合于眾多的汽車及工業應用。一種專有的低噪聲開關算法可在輸入電壓高于、低于、甚至等于輸出電壓的情況下優化效率,并確保操作模式之間的無縫轉換。
可編程頻率 PWM 模式操作提供了低噪聲和高效率運作,并能使開關操作同步至一個外部時鐘。該器件可支持高達 2MHz 的開關頻率,以允許使用小值電感器,從而實現應用電路的小型化。引腳可選的突發模式操作減小了待機電流并提高了輕負載效率,再加上一個 3μA 的停機電流,使得 LTC3115-1 成為電池供電型應用的理想選擇。這款器件的其他特點包括停機模式中的輸出斷接、短路保護和內部軟起動功能。LTC3115-1 采用耐熱性能增強型 16 引腳 4mm x 5mm x 0.75mm DFN 封裝和 20 引腳 TSSOP 封裝。
The LTC3115-1 is a high voltage monolithic synchronous uck-boost DC/DC converter. Its wide 2.7V to 40V input and output voltage ranges make it well suited to a wide variety of automotive and industrial applications.
A proprietary low noise switching algorithm optimizes efficiency with input voltages that are above, below or even equal to the output voltage and ensures seamless transitions between operational modes. Programmable frequency PWM mode operation provides low noise, high efficiency operation and the ability to synchronize switching to an external clock.
Switching frequencies up to 2MHz are supported to allow use of small value inductors for miniaturization of the application circuit. Pin selectable Burst Mode operation reduces standby current and improves light load efficiency which, combined with a 3μA shutdown current, make the LTC3115-1 ideally suited for battery-powered applications. Additional features include output disconnect in shutdown, short-circuit protection and internal soft-start. The LTC3115-1 is available in thermally enhanced 16-lead 4mm × 5mm × 0.75mm DFN and 20lead TSSOP packages.
Wide VIN Range: 2.7V to 40V
Wide VOUT Range: 2.7V to 40V
1A Output Current for VIN ≥ 3.6V, VOUT = 5V
2A Output Current in Step-Down Operation for VIN ≥ 6V
Programmable Frequency: 100kHz to 2MHz
Synchronizable Up to 2MHz with an External Clock
Up to 95% Efficiency
30μA No-Load Quiescent Current in Burst Mode Operation
Ultralow Noise Buck-Boost PWM
Internal Soft-Start
3μA Supply Current in Shutdown
Programmable Input Undervoltage Lockout
Small 4mm × 5mm × 0.75mm DFN Package
Thermally Enhanced 20-Lead TSSOP Package
24V/28V Industrial Applications
Automotive Power Systems
Telecom, Servers and Networking Equipment
FireWire Regulator
Multiple Power Source Supplies

可編程頻率 PWM 模式操作提供了低噪聲和高效率運作,并能使開關操作同步至一個外部時鐘。該器件可支持高達 2MHz 的開關頻率,以允許使用小值電感器,從而實現應用電路的小型化。引腳可選的突發模式操作減小了待機電流并提高了輕負載效率,再加上一個 3μA 的停機電流,使得 LTC3115-1 成為電池供電型應用的理想選擇。這款器件的其他特點包括停機模式中的輸出斷接、短路保護和內部軟起動功能。LTC3115-1 采用耐熱性能增強型 16 引腳 4mm x 5mm x 0.75mm DFN 封裝和 20 引腳 TSSOP 封裝。
The LTC3115-1 is a high voltage monolithic synchronous uck-boost DC/DC converter. Its wide 2.7V to 40V input and output voltage ranges make it well suited to a wide variety of automotive and industrial applications.
A proprietary low noise switching algorithm optimizes efficiency with input voltages that are above, below or even equal to the output voltage and ensures seamless transitions between operational modes. Programmable frequency PWM mode operation provides low noise, high efficiency operation and the ability to synchronize switching to an external clock.
Switching frequencies up to 2MHz are supported to allow use of small value inductors for miniaturization of the application circuit. Pin selectable Burst Mode operation reduces standby current and improves light load efficiency which, combined with a 3μA shutdown current, make the LTC3115-1 ideally suited for battery-powered applications. Additional features include output disconnect in shutdown, short-circuit protection and internal soft-start. The LTC3115-1 is available in thermally enhanced 16-lead 4mm × 5mm × 0.75mm DFN and 20lead TSSOP packages.
Wide VIN Range: 2.7V to 40V
Wide VOUT Range: 2.7V to 40V
1A Output Current for VIN ≥ 3.6V, VOUT = 5V
2A Output Current in Step-Down Operation for VIN ≥ 6V
Programmable Frequency: 100kHz to 2MHz
Synchronizable Up to 2MHz with an External Clock
Up to 95% Efficiency
30μA No-Load Quiescent Current in Burst Mode Operation
Ultralow Noise Buck-Boost PWM
Internal Soft-Start
3μA Supply Current in Shutdown
Programmable Input Undervoltage Lockout
Small 4mm × 5mm × 0.75mm DFN Package
Thermally Enhanced 20-Lead TSSOP Package
24V/28V Industrial Applications
Automotive Power Systems
Telecom, Servers and Networking Equipment
FireWire Regulator
Multiple Power Source Supplies

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