在這個萬物互聯的時代,Wi-Fi技術正以前所未有的速度推動著數字生活的變革。隨著Wi-Fi 6的普及,用戶對網絡速度、穩定性和能效的要求也日益提高。在這樣的背景下,一款集高性能、高集成度與環保理念于一身的射頻前端模組——KCT8227H應運而生,它專為2.4-2.5GHz頻段設計,旨在為用戶提供前所未有的Wi-Fi體驗。
In this era of the Internet of everything, Wi-Fi technology is driving the transformation of digital life at an unprecedented speed. With the popularity of Wi-Fi 6, users are increasingly demanding network speed, stability and energy efficiency. In this context, a high-performance, highly integrated and environmentally friendly RF front-end module - KCT8227H came into being, which is designed for the 2.4-2.5GHz band, aiming to provide users with unprecedented Wi-Fi experience.
KCT8227H是一款專為802.11b/g/n/ac WLAN系統定制的高集成射頻前端模組,它集成了實現高效通信所需的所有關鍵射頻組件,包括但不限于高效率高線性功率放大器(PA)、低噪聲放大器(LNA)配以旁路濾波器(BP)、LO抑制和諧波濾波器,以及內置的直流電壓功率檢測功能。這一設計不僅大幅簡化了射頻前端的設計復雜度,還顯著減少了外部電路的需求,使得系統集成更加便捷,成本效益更高。
The KCT8227H is a highly integrated RF front-end module customized for 802.11b/g/n/ac WLAN systems, which integrates all the key RF components needed for efficient communication. Includes but is not limited to high efficiency high linear power amplifiers (PA), low noise amplifiers (LNA) with bypass filters (BP), LO suppression and harmonic filters, and built-in DC voltage power detection. This design not only greatly simplifies the design complexity of the RF front-end, but also significantly reduces the need for external circuits, making system integration easier and more cost-effective.
在性能方面,KCT8227H展現出了非凡的實力。其集成的2.4GHz PA在VHT40/MCS9配置下,能以+22dBm的輸出功率實現-35dB的DEVM(誤差向量幅度),確保了數據傳輸的高效率與穩定性;而在HT20/MCS7配置下,輸出功率更是高+23.5dBm,DEVM僅為-30dB,滿足了高速數據傳輸的嚴苛要求。此外,31dB的發射增益和15dB的接收增益,配合1.6dB的低噪聲系數,即便在復雜多變的無線環境中,也能保證信號的清晰度和接收靈敏度,讓每一次連接都穩定如初。
In terms of performance, the KCT8227H shows extraordinary strength. Its integrated 2.4GHz PA in VHT40/MCS9 configuration can achieve -35dB DEVM (error vector amplitude) with an output power of +22dBm, ensuring high efficiency and stability of data transmission; In the HT20/MCS7 configuration, the output power is higher than +23.5dBm, and the DEVM is only -30dB, meeting the strict requirements of high-speed data transmission. In addition, the transmit gain of 31dB and the receive gain of 15dB, combined with the low noise factor of 1.6dB, can ensure the clarity of the signal and the receive sensitivity, even in the complex and changeable wireless environment, so that every connection is stable as before.
While pursuing high performance, the KCT8227H does not neglect the optimization of space utilization. It comes in the form of QFN-16L package with a size of only 2.5×2.5×0.55mm, which is the leader in similar products on the market. This ultra-small package design not only provides the designer of the terminal equipment with greater flexibility, so that the product can be more easily integrated into a variety of compact space layout, but also lays a solid foundation for the future of miniaturization and lightweight design trends.
product standard
集成高性能2.4GHz PA、LNA(帶旁路)、收發開關
Integrated high-performance 2.4GHz PA, LNA (with bypass), transceiver switch
Exactly match the input and output ports
Built-in power detector
輸出功率:+22dBm(VHT40/MCS9, 5V),+23.5dBm(HT20/MCS7, 5V)
Output power: +22dBm (VHT40/MCS9, 5V), +23.5dBm (HT20/MCS7, 5V)
Transmit gain: 31dB (5V)
Reception gain: 15dB (5V)
Noise factor: 1.6dB (5V)
All pins are equipped with ESD protection circuit
Very few external components are required
封裝尺寸:QFN-16L, 2.5×2.5×0.55mm
Package size: QFN-16L, 2.5×2.5×0.55mm
MSL3級別,符合JEDEC J-STD-020標準
MSL3, compliant with JEDEC J-STD-020 standards
審核編輯 黃宇
5515 -
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