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電子發燒友網>電子技術應用>電子常識>What Is Portable Digital Stora

What Is Portable Digital Stora


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Digital Thermometer

this is the digital thermometer
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Digital video technologies

Digital video technologiesContents What is digital video?Why has digital video become a mainstream
2008-08-04 15:35:24


2021-08-16 09:55:3214

AD7380/AD7381: What are the pros and cons of a Serial 2 wire mode and serial 1 wire mode?

AD7380/AD7381: What are the pros and cons of a Serial 2 wire mode and serial 1 wire mode?
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AD7380/AD7381: What oversampling method is best for an application?

AD7380/AD7381: What oversampling method is best for an application?
2021-02-02 09:23:095


2017-10-17 10:51:303

What’s Wrong with % Error in Junction Temperature"

be absolutely clear in what were talking about. The standard definition of percent error is genera
2017-04-11 10:04:593


2017-02-27 17:40:290

What the Internet of Things (IoT) Needs to Become a Reality

What the Internet of Things (IoT) Needs to Become a Reality,Freescale發布的IOT白皮書!
2015-10-30 17:04:407

Digital Systems Engineering (數字系統工程)

數字系統工程 英文介紹,Digital Systems Engineering:What makes some computers slow? What makes some digital
2011-12-06 23:12:1871

Portable DVD系統電源構建

目前的Portable DVD由MPU,LCD顯示屏,USB,音視頻信號處理以及存儲設備等各個模塊組成。其中有兩塊MPU,一顆是用于LCD視頻顯示的MPU,一顆是用于音視頻解碼和信號處理的MPU。
2011-01-22 11:25:001107

MAX44007,pdf (Digital Ambient

The MAX44007 ambient light sensor features an I²C digital output that is ideal for a number
2010-12-19 10:30:0090

TMS320DM355 Digital Media Syst

frames, IP security cameras, 4-channel digital video recorders, video door bell application, and other low cost portable digital video applicat
2010-12-01 23:40:5521

TMS320DM355-135,pdf(Digital Me

frames, IP security cameras, 4-channel digital video recorders, video door bell application, and other low cost portable digital video applicat
2010-12-01 23:39:1322

TMS320DM355-216,pdf(Digital Me

frames, IP security cameras, 4-channel digital video recorders, video door bell application, and other low cost portable digital video applicat
2010-12-01 23:36:5514

TMS320DM355-270,pdf(Digital Me

frames, IP security cameras, 4-channel digital video recorders, video door bell application, and other low cost portable digital video applicat
2010-12-01 23:34:1918

Agilent Digital Multimeters

Agilent’s digital multimeters lead the industry in speed and accuracy and have a proven track
2010-08-17 11:27:1814

便攜式電子設備保護用PolyZen(Portable Ele

The growing availability of digital content and falling prices of HDDs and LCD panels are driving
2010-08-11 17:43:1117

Agilent Battery Charger Test U

IntroductionThere are more and more portable devices in the market today. Examples of portable
2010-07-30 21:53:3417

Digital Video Standards The 19

The world of digital video standards is a complicated one,with many different standards groups
2010-07-11 16:27:093

PROGRAMME Digital Signal Proce

PROGRAMME Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
2010-07-05 11:21:4810

What Designers Should Know Abo

Exactly how inaccurate will a change in temperature make an analog-to-digital or digital
2010-06-01 14:33:255

What Is a Portable Hard Drive?

What Is a Portable Hard Drive? A portable hard drive is a type of digital storage device.
2010-03-25 11:16:031234

What is UATA?

What is UATA? In computers, Ultra Advanced Technology Attachment (UATA) is a term used to describe
2010-03-25 11:15:36832

What is an SCSI Hard Drive?

What is an SCSI Hard Drive? A SCSI hard drive is a storage drive which uses a different system
2010-03-25 11:15:031470

What Is a Data Bus?

What Is a Data Bus? A data bus is a computer subsystem that allows for the transferring of data
2010-03-25 11:14:321905

What is eSATA?

What is eSATA? External Serial Advanced Technology Attachment or eSATA is an external interface
2010-03-25 11:12:561179

什么是Digital Certificate,also,di

什么是Digital Certificate,also,digital signature  英文縮寫: Digital Certificate,also,digital signature 中文譯名: 數字證書(也稱數
2010-02-22 17:35:581125

什么是Digital Business

什么是Digital Business  英文縮寫: Digital Business 中文譯名: 數字企業 分  類: 其它 解  釋: 能把新技術與
2010-02-22 17:35:113128

什么是ADC (Analog to Digital Conv

什么是ADC (Analog to Digital Converter)  英文縮寫: ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) 中文譯名: 模數變換器 分  類: IP與多媒
2010-02-22 10:11:25602

什么是ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Su

什么是ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)  英文縮寫: ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) 中文譯名: 非對稱數字用戶線
2010-02-22 10:09:52762

ST手提音頻解決方案:Portable Audio

ST手提音頻解決方案:Portable Audio ST integrates the circuitry that performs all of the front end functions
2010-01-16 15:42:4415

Differential Impedance--What’s

Differential Impedance--What’s the Difference?:Just when you thought you had mastered Zo
2010-01-15 10:21:4719

Impedance Terminations -What’s

Impedance Terminations -What’s the Value:There is a lot of confusion in the industry about
2010-01-15 09:16:2911

DTS Digital

DTS Digital              DTS是“Digital Theatre System”的縮寫,
2010-01-04 15:37:08810

What range of dielectric const

Problem What range of dielectric constants you could be realize with your PCB materials? 
2009-12-29 09:26:53639

What is the copper plating thi

What is the copper plating thickness? Solution 1 ounce copper is 1.3 to 2.0 Mil thick2 ounce copper is 2.6 to 4.0 Mil thick 
2009-12-29 09:26:26816

What is the maximum temperatur

Problem What is the maximum temperature your PCB can handle?  Solution 130 Degrees C.266 Degrees F. Details:
2009-12-29 09:25:02397

What is the minimum space betw

What is the minimum space between a pair of tracks on a PCB that could be manufactured? Problem
2009-12-29 09:24:25742

What is Soldermask? 什么是綠油

What is Soldermask? 什么是綠油 The normally green coating used to protect the board and circuitry
2009-12-29 09:20:041792

便攜式音頻放大器--Portable Audio Ampli

便攜式音頻放大器--Portable Audio Amplifiers
2009-12-26 13:05:471658

便攜式混頻器電路 Portable Mixer

便攜式混頻器電路 Portable Mixer Design description: The target of this project was the design of a small portable mixer supplied by a
2009-12-24 10:28:091826

便攜式麥克風前置放大器 (Portable Micropho

便攜式麥克風前置放大器 (Portable Microphone Preamplifier) P
2009-12-24 10:23:092864

便攜式耳機放大器 (Portable Headphone A

便攜式耳機放大器 (Portable Headphone Amplifier) Parts
2009-12-24 10:11:061926

Digital Control Concepts For P

Control Techniques– Traditional Analog– Traditional Digital– Modern Digital􀁺 Examples
2009-11-28 14:15:46131

What It Means to ESD

What It Me
2009-11-26 10:16:2836

All About Direct Digital Synth

Direct digital synthesis (DDS) is a method of producing an analogwaveform—usually a sine wave
2009-11-19 15:25:5426

Using a SAR Analog-to-Digital

Using a SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter for Current Measurement in Motor Control Applications
2009-10-01 19:02:2111

Level Shifting Digital Signals

Level Shifting Digital Signals By: Budge Ing
2009-08-21 07:49:531034

Level Shifting Digital Signals

Level Shifting Digital Signals By: Budge Ing
2009-08-21 07:49:531125

Digital Oscilloscope User Manu

Digital Oscilloscope User Manual:
2009-07-27 17:03:162

Digital Oscilloscope

This report presents the design of a digital oscilloscope for a Digilent D2SB system board
2009-07-27 16:56:1632

Digital Frequency Synthesis Demystified

Digital Frequency Synthesis Demystified: This text deals with emerging modern digital
2009-07-25 17:08:2914

Digital Design and Computer Ar

Why publish yet another book on digital design and computer architecture?There are dozens of good
2009-07-23 08:42:1324

Rapid Prototyping of Digital S

Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems provides an exciting and challenginglaboratory component
2009-07-22 11:19:5430

What is NI Ultiboard?什么是Ultibo

What is NI Ultiboard?什么是Ultiboard? National Instruments Electronics Workbench GroupThe National Instruments Electronics Workbench Group (for
2009-07-01 07:47:473222

What It Means to ESD

What It Me
2009-06-29 16:13:096

Digital Image Processing (Hong

Digital Image Processing:•What is an Image?Picture, photographVisual dataUsually two or three
2009-06-18 07:39:3717

What is an LFSR,什么是LFSR

What is an LFSR,什么是LFSR Texas Instruments (TI) reserves the right to make changes to its products
2009-06-14 09:10:5331

什么是LFSR,What is an LFSR?

什么是LFSR,What is an LFSR? The purpose of this article is to explain what a Linear Feedback Shift
2009-05-14 11:42:372311

Maxim Digital Monetary Certifi

in iButton® data carriers (tokens). The document defines a digital certificate called a "Maxim Digital Monetary Certificate" (a.k.a., "eCertific
2009-05-08 11:33:10806

DS1670便攜式系統控制器-DS1670 Portable

Abstract: This application note describes how to use the DS1670 Portable System Controller, a
2009-04-21 09:25:52528

USB Digital Transmission Conte

This paper describes the USB transport services and protocol formats that support Digital
2009-04-11 19:23:3419

The effects on digital signals

The effects on digital signals of slotted ground
2009-03-24 14:13:0026

Digital Signal Processing

Digital signal processing (DSP) refers to anything that can be done to asignal using code on a
2009-02-17 15:36:3922

Digital Signal Processing Syst

Digital Signal Processing System-Level Design Using LabVIEW For many years, I have been teaching
2009-02-17 10:27:31101

Digital Potentiometers Replace

Digital Potentiometers Replace Mechanical Potentiometers Abstract: Digitally adjustable
2008-11-19 10:23:361080

What is voltage stability?

What is voltage stability? Recently lEEE/CIGRE task force [1] proposed various definitions
2008-11-03 21:14:551336

Introduction to Digital Audio

Introduction to Digital Audio Coding and Standards
2008-10-20 17:26:2523

數字電視技術(Digital video technolog

What is digital video?
2008-08-04 15:29:0336

數字電視技術英文版(Digital video techno

What is digital video?
2008-08-04 15:29:0222

Advanced Digital Signal Proces

Advanced Digital Signal Processing and Noise Reduction
2006-03-25 15:48:5432


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