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三星(sansung)數(shù)碼攝像機 SMX-C10/C13/C

大小:20992 人氣: 2009-12-07 需要積分:0




三星(sansung)數(shù)碼攝像機 SMX-C10/C13/C14/C100英文用戶說明書(使用手冊)
Various Recording Features
The memory camcorder supports Anti-Shake (HDIS), Digital Effect and a wide range of
other functions that you can select according to the scene you are recording. ?pages 56~70
Capturing Photo Image (8GB (SMX-C13 only), 16GB (SMX-C14 only))
Captures a moving subject instantly and saves the scene as a photo image.
Comfortable, Ergonomic Design
This camcorder is designed for comfort when making long recordings.
With this ergonomic design, you can shoot subjects comfortably from any position.
Time Lapse Recording Catches the Moment
You can record a long scene in short intervals. Record artistic, documentary videos including the passage of clouds,
blooming fl owers etc. Use this function to make UCC (user created contents) videos, educational programs or for
other various purposes.
Direct upload of your videos to the Web!
The built-in editing software Intelli-studio installs directly from this camcorder
to your PC, when you simply connect your camcorder to a PC via USB cable.
Intelli-studio also allows direct uploading of your contents to YouTube or
Flickr. Sharing the contents with your friends is simpler than ever before.
Direct Uploading Your Recordings with One-Touch Sharing button
This method uses the software built in your camcorder to upload your
recordings to the website such as the YouTube with a simple one-touch
Make a digest of your video! Storyboard printing!
Using the storyboard printing, you can make the digest image of your video abridging
its story. This function captures 16 still images arbitrarily from the selected video and
makes up one still image of 16-splits to save it into the storage media. It presents a
quick overview of your video, helping you to understand the whole story of the video.


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三星(sansung)數(shù)碼攝像機 SMX-C10/C13/C下載




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