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EVAL-ADM7160 EVAL-ADM7160評估板


EVAL-ADM7160 EVAL-ADM7160 ADM7160 Evaluation Board The ADM7160 evaluation boards demonstrate the operation and functionality of the ADM7160 ultralow noise, 200 mA, linear regulator. Simple device measurements such as line and load regulation, dropout voltage, and ground current can be demonstrated with only a single voltage supply, load resistors, and a voltmeter or an ammeter. Complete specifications for the ADM7160 ultralow noise, 200 mA, linear regulator are available in the ADM7160 data sheet available from Analog Devices, Inc., and should be consulted in conjunction with this user guide when using the evaluation boards. EVAL-ADM7160 The ADM7160 evaluation boards demonstrate the operation and functionality of the ADM7160 ultralow noise, 200 mA, linear regulator. ADM7160 Evaluation Board | Analog Devices
  • Power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) performance: 54 dB at 100 kHz
  • Ultralow noise independent of VOUT
    • 3 μV rms, 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz
    • 9.5 μV rms, 0.1 Hz to 100 kHz
    • 9 μV rms, 10 Hz to 100 kHz
    • 17 μV rms, 10 Hz to 1 MHz
  • Low dropout voltage: 150 mV at ILOAD = 200 mA
  • Maximum output current: 200 mA
  • Input voltage range: 2.2 V to 5.5 V
  • Low quiescent and shutdown current
  • Initial accuracy: ±1%
  • Accuracy over line, load, and temperature: −2.5% to +1.5%
  • 5-lead TSOT package and 6-lead LFCSP package
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