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DC1864A DC1864A評估板


dc1864a DC1864A Demonstration circuit 1864A is a step-down converter, capable of delivering up to 1A of output current from a minimum input voltage of 2.7V. The DC1864A uses the power-saving LTC3621-2 2.25MHz monolithic synchronous buck regulator that comes in a tiny 2mm × 3mm 6-lead DFN package. The LTC3621-2 IC quiescent currents can be as low as 3.5μA in normal operation, and less than 0.1μA in shutdown. The output voltage range of the DC1864A is from as low as 0.6V, the reference voltage of the LTC3621?2, to as high as the maximum input voltage, 17V. ? DC1864A LTC3621-2 Demo Board | 2.25MHz, 2.7V ≤ VIN ≤ 17V, VOUT = 1.2V/1.8V/2.5V/3.3V/5V/Adj @ 1A
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