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LMH6702-MIL 1.7 GHz,超低失真,寬帶運算放大器



描述The LMH6702-MIL is a very wideband, DC-coupled monolithic operational amplifier designedspecifically for wide dynamic range systems requiring exceptional signal fidelity. Benefitting fromcurrent feedback architecture, the LMH6702-MIL offers unity gain stability at exceptional speedwithout need for external compensation.With its 720-MHz bandwidth (AV = 2 V/V, VO= 2 VPP), 10-bit distortion levels through 60-MHz (RL= 100 ?), 1.83-nV/√Hz input referred noise and 12.5-mA supply current, theLMH6702-MIL is the ideal driver or buffer for high-speed flash A-D and D-A converters.Wide dynamic range systems such as radar and communication receivers that require awideband amplifier offering exceptional signal purity will find the low input referred noise andlow harmonic and intermodulation distortion of the LMH6702-MIL an attractive high speedsolution.The LMH6702-MIL is constructed using VIP10? complimentary bipolar process and proven current feedbackarchitecture. The LMH6702-MIL is available in SOIC and SOT-23 packages.特性VS = ±5 V, TA = 25°C,AV = 2V/V, RL = 100 ?, VOUT =2 VPP, Typical Unless Noted: 2nd and 3rd Harmonics (5 MHz,SOT-23) ?100/?96 dBc ?3-dB Bandwidth (VOUT = 0.5 VPP) 1.7GHz Low Noise 1.83 nV/√Hz Fast Settling to 0.1% 13.4 ns Fast Slew Rate 3100 V/μs Supply Current 12.5 mA Output Current 80 mA Low Intermodulation Distortion (75 MHz) ?67 dBc Improved Replacement for CLC409 and CLC449 All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.



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