--- 產品參數 ---
- 檢測類型 光電采樣
- 設備類型 多圈絕對值編碼器
- UL 文件編號 E223176
- MTTFd 150 a
- 任務時間 (TM) 20 a
- 工作電壓 4,5 ... 30 V DC
--- 產品詳情 ---

參數表節選:的技術參數 AVM58-H
通用規格 | ||
檢測類型 | 光電采樣 | |
設備類型 | 多圈絕對值編碼器 | |
UL 文件編號 | E223176 “僅用于 NFPA 79 應用” , 如果產品上標有 UL 標記。 | |
功能性安全相關參數 | ||
MTTFd | 150 a | |
任務時間 (TM) | 20 a | |
L10 | 1,9 E+11 在 6000 rpm 和 20/40 N 軸向/徑向軸負載下 | |
診斷覆蓋率 (DC) | 0 % | |
電氣技術規格 | ||
工作電壓 | 4,5 ... 30 V DC (SSI、SSI + RS422) 10 ... 30 V DC (SSI + 推挽) | |
空載電流 | 最大 180 mA | |
可用前的時間延遲 | < 250 ms | |
線性度 | ±在 16 位時為 2 LSB,在 13 位時 ± 1 LSB,在 12 位時 ± 0.5 LSB | |
輸出碼 | 格雷碼,二進制碼 | |
Code course(計數方向) | 順時針遞減(順時針旋轉,code course 遞減) |
接口 | ||
接口類型 | SSI ; SSI + 增量軌跡 | |
單穩態觸發時間 | 20 ± 10 μs | |
分辨率 | ||
單圈 | 可達 16 Bit | |
多匝 | 14 Bit | |
總體解決方案 | 可達 30 Bit | |
傳輸速率 | 0,1 ... 2 MBit/s | |
電壓降 | UB - 2,5 V | |
符合標準 | RS 422 | |
輸入 1 | ||
輸入類型 | 選擇計數方向(順時針/逆時針) | |
信號電壓 | ||
高 | 4,5 ... 30 V (SSI、SSI + RS422) 10 ... 30 V (SSI + 推挽) | |
低 | 0 ... 2 V | |
輸入電流 | < 6 mA | |
接通延時 | < 10 ms | |
輸出 | ||
輸出類型 | RS422,推挽 | |
信號輸出 | A+B+/A+/B | |
脈沖 | 1024、2048、4096 | |
連接 | ||
連接器 | 類型 9416 (M23),12 針,類型 9416L (M23),12 針 | |
電纜 | ?7 mm,6 x 2 x 0.14 mm2,1 m | |
符合標準 | ||
防護等級 | DIN EN 60529,IP65(不含軸封) ; DIN EN 60529,IP66/IP67(有軸封) | |
氣候測試 | DIN EN 60068-2-3,無冷凝 | |
發射干擾 | DIN EN 61000-6-4 | |
抗擾度 | DIN EN 61000-6-2 | |
耐沖擊性 | DIN EN 60068-2-27,100 g,6 ms | |
抗振性 | DIN EN 60068-2-6,20 g,10 ... 2000 Hz | |
認證和證書 | ||
UL 認證 | cULus 認證,一般用途,2 類電源 , 如果產品上標有 UL 標記。 | |
環境條件 | ||
工作溫度 | -40 ... 85 °C (-40 ... 185 °F) | |
存儲溫度 | -40 ... 85 °C (-40 ... 185 °F) | |
機械規格 | ||
材料 | ||
組合 1 | 外殼:帶粉末涂層的鋁材 法蘭:鋁 軸:不銹鋼 | |
組合 2 (Inox) | 外殼:不銹鋼 法蘭:不銹鋼 軸:不銹鋼 | |
質量 | 大約 460 g (組合 1) 大約 800 g (組合 2) | |
旋轉速度 | 最大 12000 min -1 | |
慣性力矩 | 50 gcm2 | |
起始扭矩 | < 5 Ncm | |
軸負載 | ||
軸向 | 40 N | |
徑向 | 110 N |
? 工業控制領域:工業、控制設備美。

SSI output format Standard ? At idle status signal lines "Data +" and "Clock +" are at high level (5 V). ? The first time the clock signal switches from high to low, the data transfer in which the current information (position data (Dn) and special bit (S)) is stored in the encoder is introduced. ? The highest order bit (MSB) is applied to the serial data output of the encoder with the first rising pulse edge. ? The next successive lower order bit is transferred with each following rising pulse edge. ? After the lowest order bit (LSB) has been transferred the data line switches to low until the monoflop time Tm has expired. ? No subsequent data transfer can be started until the data line switches to high again or the time for the clock pause Tp has expired. ? After the clock sequence is complete, the monoflop time Tm is triggered with the last falling pulse edge. ? The monoflop time Tm determines the lowest transmission frequency. SSI output format ring slide operation (multiple transmission) ? In ring slide operation, multiple transmission of the same data word over the SSI interface makes it possible to offer the possibility of detecting transmission errors. ? In multiple transmission, 25 bits are transferred per data word in standard format. ? If the clock change is not interrupted after the last falling pulse edge, ring slide operation automatically becomes active. This means that the information that was stored at the time of the first clock change is generated again. ? After the first transmission, the 26th pulse controls data repetition. If the 26th pulse follows after an amount of time greater than the monoflop time Tm, a new current data word will be transmitted with the following pulses.
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