高性能的數據處理和存儲的出現具有智能化的工業設備的角色如裝配、包裝、檢驗科;這是capable監測通道多傳感器和執行復雜的算法,在實時,如高速多軸或電機驅動的精密定位。這些獨立的advances empowered制造企業有兩個enormous補充條款的小鼠在性能,質量和生產力。

Big opportunities for big data
There are two major fields of opportunity. First, the power of The Cloud can be used in an essentially real-time role, to enable continuous machine optimization and dynamic maintenance scheduling. This can replace traditional maintenance at fixed intervals, thereby helping to reduce ownership costs and down time, and enable equipment vendors to adopt a more flexible “as a service” business model.
In the longer term, historical analysis can provide value-added services based on vast quantities of data, taking advantage of deep knowledge and powerful data analytics in The Cloud. Unlike a machine, or even enterprise-level computing, The Cloud can store data from trillions of samples captured over years, and run applications to identify connections and trends that can give businesses unprecedented insights into their operations to help optimize assets and processes.
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