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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>無線通信>基于無線局域網的移動視頻監控系統(The Mobile Vi

基于無線局域網的移動視頻監控系統(The Mobile Vi

2008-08-19 | rar | 333 | 次下載 | 5積分


The Mobile Video Surveillance System Based On Wireless LAN

This paper proposes a design scheme of mobile video surveillance system based on
wireless LAN (WLAN), the overall system architecture and key technologies
introduced. The operating principle, process and realization of several modules are
described in detail, such as video capturing, video reproducing, video wireless
transmitting, video playing on the mobile terminals PDA, etc. IP multicast and
MPEG-4 codec techniques are used too, so the system can realize real-time video
transmission in the way of from one point to many.
Keywords: Wireless LAN; Video surveillance; Video data transmission; IP multicastWith the continuously development of the intelligent community, the community’s supervision and services
based on electron, information and network technologies will be gradually improved and the safety and
protection system of the community is an indispensable part. But the conventional secure surveillance
systems are all in the form of cable television, so the security personnel must observe the environment
constantly in the center monitoring station. That brings to much inconvenience. Wireless
communication technologies provide the flexibility and mobility requirements essential for future
surveillance. The advance of wireless network technology will make wireless LAN (WLAN) applied
widely in the field of safety. The paper proposes a design scheme of mobile video surveillance system
based on WLAN, surveillance personnel via mobile terminal Pocket PC or PDA-like devices could observe
one or more sites everywhere in the WLAN coverage, at the same time he could control the cameradevice’s move and focus to chose and orient key observing object and range. In this way security
personnel could rush to the accident site in time, thus the surveillance strength and work efficiency both are

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