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2017-11-01 | pdf | 3010KB | 次下載 | 1積分



  D38999-Style Series I (KJL) ITT Cannon KJL 38999-Style Series I connectors offer high-density contact arrangements in a light-weight miniature circular connector. ITT Cannon KJL series connectors are an industry standard for military and aerospace applications. The environmentally sealed KJL series features quick-mating, three-point bayonet coupling and operates across a wide temperature range. D38999-Style Series II (KJ) ITT Cannon KJ 38999-Style Series II are a weight-reduced and low profile circular connector ideally suited for avionic applications where space and weight are prime considerations. It offers high-density contact arrangements in a light-weight miniature circular connector. ITT Cannon KJ series connectors feature a quick-mating, threepoint bayonet coupling, are environmentally-sealed and operate across a wide temperature range. ITT Cannon KJ series mil spec connectors were originally designed for military vehicles and are now industry standard aerospace and military connectors. 38999-Style Series III (KJB) The de-facto standard circular connector for use in harsh military and aerospace environments, ITT Cannon‘s KJB 38999-Style Series III Connectors offer highdensity contact arrangements in a light-weight miniature circular connector. ITT Cannon’s KJB series connectors have quick-mating, triple-lead threaded, self-locking coupling, are environmentally-sealed and operate across a wide temperature range. These connectors were originally designed for military vehicles and are now use for multiple applications throughout the Aerospace & Defense Industry. 38999-Style Series III Composite (KJB) A lightweight standard circular connector for use in military and aerospace environments with significant weight savings over aluminium-bodied D38999-Style. High density layouts with up to 128 data connections and power contacts rated up to 23A. Features a triple-start coupling with anti-decoupling ratchet for high vibration applications, Cadmium and Electroless Nickel platings, 100 percent scoop-proof contacts and rated to 1500 mating cycles.

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