Language Resources
A Distributed Database System for Developing Ontological and Lexical
Resources in Harmony . . 1
Aleˇs Hor´ak, Piek Vossen, and Adam Rambousek
Verb Class Discovery from Rich Syntactic Data . . . . 16
Lin Sun, Anna Korhonen and Yuval Krymolowski
Growing TreeLex 28
Anna Kup´s´c and Anne Abeill´e
Acquisition of Elementary Synonym Relations from Biological
Structured Terminology . 40
Thierry Hamon and Natalia Grabar
A Comparison of Co-occurrence and Similarity Measures as Simulations
of Context 52
Stefan Bordag
Various Criteria of Collocation Cohesion in Internet: Comparison of
Resolving Power . 64
Igor A. Bolshakov, Elena I. Bolshakova, Alexey P. Kotlyarov, and
Alexander Gelbukh
Why Don’t Romanians Have a Five O’clock Tea, Nor Halloween, But
Have a Kind of Valentines Day? . . . . . 73
Corina For˘ascu
Best Student Paper Award
SIGNUM: A Graph Algorithm for Terminology Extraction 85
Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo
Morphology and Syntax
Arabic Morphology Parsing Revisited . 96
Suhel Jaber and Rodolfo Delmonte
A Probabilistic Model for Guessing Base Forms of New Words by
Analogy . . 106
Krister Lind´en
XIV Table of Contents
Unsupervised and Knowledge-Free Learning of Compound Splits and
Periphrases . . . . . 117
Florian Holz and Chris Biemann
German Decompounding in a Difficult Corpus . . . . . 128
Enrique Alfonseca, Slaven Bilac, and Stefan Pharies
Clause Boundary Identification Using Conditional Random Fields 140
R. Vijay Sundar Ram and Sobha Lalitha Devi
Semantics and Discourse
Invited Paper
Natural Language as the Basis for Meaning Representation and
Inference . . 151
Ido Dagan, Roy Bar-Haim, Idan Szpektor, Iddo Greental, and
Eyal Shnarch
Layer Structures and Conceptual Hierarchies in Semantic
Representations for NLP 171
Hermann Helbig, Ingo Gl¨ockner, and Rainer Osswald
Deep Lexical Semantics . 183
Jerry R. Hobbs
On Ontology Based Abduction for Text Interpretation . . . 194
Irma Sofia Espinosa Peraldi, Atila Kaya, Sylvia Melzer, and
Ralf M¨oller
Analysis of Joint Inference Strategies for the Semantic Role Labeling of
Spanish and Catalan . . . 206
Mihai Surdeanu, Roser Morante, and Llu´ıs M`arquez
A Preliminary Study on the Robustness and Generalization of Role
Sets for Semantic Role Labeling . . . . . 219
Be˜nat Zapirain, Eneko Agirre, and Llu´ıs M`arquez
XTM: A Robust Temporal Text Processor . . 231
Caroline Hag`ege and Xavier Tannier
Invited Paper
What We Are Talking about and What We Are Saying about It . 241
Eva Hajiˇcov´a
Trusting Politicians’ Words (for Persuasive NLP) . . 263
Marco Guerini, Carlo Strapparava, and Oliviero Stock
Table of Contents XV
Sense Annotation in the Penn Discourse Treebank . 275
Eleni Miltsakaki, Livio Robaldo, Alan Lee, and Aravind Joshi
Word Sense Disambiguation and Named Entity
A Semantics-Enhanced Language Model for Unsupervised Word Sense
Disambiguation . . 287
Shou-de Lin and Karin Verspoor
Best Paper Award, 1st Place
Discovering Word Senses from Text Using Random Indexing . . . . 299
Niladri Chatterjee and Shiwali Mohan
Domain Information for Fine-Grained Person Name Categorization . . . . . 311
Zornitsa Kozareva, Sonia Vazquez, and Andres Montoyo
Language Independent First and Last Name Identification in Person
Names . . . . 322
Octavian Popescu and Bernardo Magnini
Mixing Statistical and Symbolic Approaches for Chemical Names
Recognition . . . . . 334
Florian Boudin, Juan Manuel Torres-Moreno, and Marc El-B`eze
Anaphora and Co-reference
Portuguese Pronoun Resolution: Resources and Evaluation 344
Ramon R´e Moya Cuevas, Willian Yukio Honda,
Diego Jesus de Lucena, Ivandr´e Paraboni, and
Patr´ıcia Rufino Oliveira
Semantic and Syntactic Features for Dutch Coreference Resolution . . . . . 351
Iris Hendrickx, Veronique Hoste, and Walter Daelemans
Machine Translation and Parallel Corpora
Invited Paper
Stat-XFER: A General Search-Based Syntax-Driven Framework for
Machine Translation . . . . 362
Alon Lavie
XVI Table of Contents
Invited Paper
Statistical Machine Translation into a Morphologically Complex
Language . 376
Kemal Oflazer
Translation Paraphrases in Phrase-Based Machine Translation . . . 388
Francisco Guzm´an and Leonardo Garrido
n-Best Reranking for the Efficient Integration of Word Sense
Disambiguation and Statistical Machine Translation 399
Lucia Specia, Baskaran Sankaran, and
Maria das Gra¸cas Volpe Nunes
Learning Finite State Transducers Using Bilingual Phrases 411
Jorge Gonz´alez, Germ´an Sanchis, and Francisco Casacuberta
Learning Spanish-Galician Translation Equivalents Using a Comparable
Corpus and a Bilingual Dictionary . . . 423
Pablo Gamallo Otero and Jos´e Ramom Pichel Campos
Context-Based Sentence Alignment in Parallel Corpora . . 434
Ergun Bi¸cici
Bilingual Segmentation for Alignment and Translation . . . . 445
Chung-Chi Huang, Wei-Teh Chen, and Jason S. Chang
Dynamic Translation Memory: Using Statistical Machine Translation
to Improve Translation Memory Fuzzy Matches . . . . 454
Ergun Bi¸cici and Marc Dymetman
Identification of Transliterated Foreign Words in Hebrew Script . . 466
Yoav Goldberg and Michael Elhadad
Natural Language Generation
Innovative Approach for Engineering NLG Systems: The Content
Determination Case Study . . . . 478
Marco Fonseca, Leonardo Junior, Alexandre Melo, and
Hendrik Macedo
Speech Recognition
Comparison of Different Modeling Units for Language Model
Adaptation for Inflected Languages . . . 488
Tanel Alum¨ae
Table of Contents XVII
Information Retrieval and Question Answering
Word Distribution Analysis for Relevance Ranking and Query
Expansion 500
Patricio Galeas and Bernd Freisleben
Hybrid Method for Personalized Search in Scientific Digital Libraries . . . 512
Thanh-Trung Van and Michel Beigbeder
Alignment-Based Expansion of Textual Database Fields . . . 522
Piroska Lendvai
Detecting Expected Answer Relations through Textual Entailment . . . . . 532
Matteo Negri, Milen Kouylekov, and Bernardo Magnini
Improving Question Answering by Combining Multiple Systems Via
Answer Validation . . . . . 544
Alberto T´ellez-Valero, Manuel Montes-y-G´omez,
Luis Villase˜nor-Pineda, and Anselmo Pe˜nas
Text Classification
Evaluation of Internal Validity Measures in Short-Text Corpora . . 555
Diego Ingaramo, David Pinto, Paolo Rosso, and Marcelo Errecalde
Text Summarization
Arabic/English Multi-document Summarization with CLASSY—The
Past and the Future . . . . 568
Judith D. Schlesinger, Dianne P. O’Leary, and John M. Conroy
Best Paper Award, 3rd Place
Lexical Cohesion Based Topic Modeling for Summarization 582
Gonenc Ercan and Ilyas Cicekli
Terms Derived from Frequent Sequences for Extractive Text
Summarization . . 593
Yulia Ledeneva, Alexander Gelbukh, and
Ren´e Arnulfo Garc´ıa-Hern´andez
Spell Checking and Authoring Aid
Real-Word Spelling Correction with Trigrams: A Reconsideration of
the Mays, Damerau, and Mercer Model . . . . . 605
Amber Wilcox-O’Hearn, Graeme Hirst, and Alexander Budanitsky
XVIII Table of Contents
Best Paper Award, 2nd Place
Non-interactive OCR Post-correction for Giga-Scale Digitization
Projects . . 617
Martin Reynaert
Linguistic Support for Revising and Editing . 631
Cerstin Mahlow and Michael Piotrowski
The Role of PP Attachment in Preposition Generation . . . 643
John Lee and Ola Knutsson
EFL Learner Reading Time Model for Evaluating Reading
Proficiency 655
Katsunori Kotani, Takehiko Yoshimi, Takeshi Kutsumi,
Ichiko Sata, and Hitoshi Isahara
Author Index . . 665
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