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2009-07-23 | rar | 2970 | 次下載 | 免費


This book is on the IEEE Standard Hardware Description Language
based on the Verilog® Hardware Description Language (Verilog HDL),
IEEE Std 1364–2001. The intended audiences are engineers involved in
various aspects of digital systems design and manufacturing and students
with the basic knowledge of digital system design. The emphasis of the
book is on using Verilog HDL for the design, verification, and synthesis of
digital systems. We will discuss Register Transfer (RT) level digital system
design, and discuss how Verilog can be used in this design flow.
In the last few years RT level design of digital systems has gone
through significant changes. Beyond simulation and synthesis that are
now part of any RTL design process, we are looking at testbench generation
and automatic verification tools. As with any book on Verilog,
this book covers digital design and Verilog for simulation and synthesis.
However, to ready design engineers for designing, testing, and verifying
large digital system designs, the book contains material for
testbench development and verification. The subjects of testbench and
verification are introduced in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 onwards we concentrate
on Verilog for design and synthesis. This will teach the readers
efficient Verilog coding techniques for describing actual hardware
components. When all of Verilog from a design point of view is presented,
we turn our attention to test and verification. Chapter 6 covers
testbench development techniques and use of assertion verification monitors
for better analysis of a design. Toward the end of the book we put
together our coding techniques for synthesis and testbench development,
and present several RT level designs from design specification to
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  5. 3MATLAB 7.1 下載 (含軟件介紹)
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  7. 4OrCAD10.5下載OrCAD10.5中文版軟件
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