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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>IC datasheet pdf>LM119/LM219/LM319 pdf datashee

LM119/LM219/LM319 pdf datashee

2008-09-06 | rar | 555 | 次下載 | 10積分


LM119/LM219/LM319 High Speed Dual Comparator
General Description
The LM119 series are precision high speed dual comparators
fabricated on a single monolithic chip. They are designed
to operate over a wide range of supply voltages down
to a single 5V logic supply and ground. Further, they have
higher gain and lower input currents than devices like the
LM710. The uncommitted collector of the output stage
makes the LM119 compatible with RTL, DTL and TTL as well
as capable of driving lamps and relays at currents up to 25
The LM319A offers improved precision over the standard
LM319, with tighter tolerances on offset voltage, offset current,
and voltage gain.
Although designed primarily for applications requiring operation
from digital logic supplies, the LM119 series are fully
specified for power supplies up to ±15V. It features faster response
than the LM111 at the expense of higher power dissipation.
However, the high speed, wide operating voltage
range and low package count make the LM119 much more
versatile than older devices like the LM711.
The LM119 is specified from ?55°C to +125°C, the LM219 is
specified from ?25°C to +85°C, and the LM319A and LM319
are specified from 0°C to +70°C.
n Two independent comparators
n Operates from a single 5V supply
n Typically 80 ns response time at ±15V
n Minimum fan-out of 2 each side
n Maximum input current of 1 μA over temperature
n Inputs and outputs can be isolated from system ground
n High common mode slew rate





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