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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>IC datasheet pdf>MAX5483, MAX5484 pdf datasheet

MAX5483, MAX5484 pdf datasheet

2008-10-01 | rar | 555 | 次下載 | 5積分


The MAX5481–MAX5484 10-bit (1024-tap) nonvolatile,
linear-taper, programmable voltage-dividers and variable
resistors perform the function of a mechanical
potentiometer, but replace the mechanics with a pinconfigurable
3-wire serial SPI?-compatible interface or
up/down digital interface. The MAX5481/MAX5482 are
3-terminal voltage-dividers and the MAX5483/MAX5484
are 2-terminal variable resistors.
The MAX5481–MAX5484 feature an internal, nonvolatile,
electrically erasable programmable read-only
memory (EEPROM) that stores the wiper position for initialization
during power-up. The 3-wire SPI-compatible
serial interface allows communication at data rates up
to 7MHz. A pin-selectable up/down digital interface is
also available.
The MAX5481–MAX5484 are ideal for applications
requiring digitally controlled potentiometers. Two end-toend
resistance values are available (10kΩ and 50kΩ) in a
voltage-divider or a variable-resistor configuration (see
the Selector Guide). The nominal resistor temperature
coefficient is 35ppm/°C end-to-end, and only 5ppm/°C
ratiometric, making these devices ideal for applications
requiring low-temperature-coefficient voltage-dividers,
such as low-drift, programmable gain-amplifiers.
The MAX5481–MAX5484 operate with either a +2.7V to
+5.25V single power supply or ±2.5V dual power supplies.
These devices consume 400μA (max) of supply
current when writing data to the nonvolatile memory
and 1.0μA (max) of standby supply current. The
MAX5481–MAX5484 are available in a space-saving
(3mm x 3mm), 16-pin TQFN, or a 14-pin TSSOP package
and are specified over the extended (-40°C to
+85°C) temperature range.


Gain and Offset
LCD Contrast Adjustment
Pressure Sensors
Low-Drift Programmable
Gain Amplifiers
Mechanical Potentiometer

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