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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>IC datasheet pdf>NCP5386, NCP5386A,NCP5386B pdf

NCP5386, NCP5386A,NCP5386B pdf

2008-10-22 | rar | 666 | 次下載 | 3積分


NCP5386, NCP5386A,NCP5386B 1/2 Phase Controller for CPU and Chipset
The NCP5386 is a one? or two?phase buck controller which
combines differential voltage and current sensing, and adaptive
voltage positioning to power both AMD and Intel processors and
chipsets. Dual?edge pulse?width modulation (PWM) combined with
inductor current sensing reduces system cost by providing the fastest
initial response to transient load events. Dual?edge multi?phase
modulation reduces total bulk and ceramic output capacitance
required to satisfy transient load?line regulation.
A high performance operational error amplifier is provided, which
allows easy compensation of the system. The proprietary method of
Dynamic Reference Injection (Patented) makes the error amplifier
compensation virtually independent of the system response to VID
changes, eliminating tradeoffs between overshoot and dynamic VID
? Meets Intel’s VR 10.0 and 11.0, and AMD Specifications
? No load Intel VR Offset of ?19 mV (NCP5386), +20 mV
(NCP5386A), and 0 mV (NCP5386B)
? Dual?Edge PWM for Fastest Initial Response to Transient Loading
? High Performance Operational Error Amplifier
? Supports both VR11 and Legacy Soft?Start Modes
? Dynamic Reference Injection (Patent# 7057381)
? DAC Range from 0.5 V to 1.6 V
? 0.5% System Voltage Accuracy from 1.0 V to 1.6 V
? True Differential Remote Voltage Sensing Amplifier
? Phase?to?Phase Current Balancing
? “Lossless” Differential Inductor Current Sensing
? Differential Current Sense Amplifiers for each Phase
? Adaptive Voltage Positioning (AVP)
? Frequency Range: 100 kHz – 1.0 MHz
? OVP with Resettable, 8 Event Delayed Latch
? Threshold Sensitive Enable Pin for VTT Sensing
? Power Good Output with Internal Delays
? Programmable Soft?Start Time
? This is a Pb?Free Device*
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