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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>IC datasheet pdf>MAX1516A, MAX1517A, MAX1518A p

MAX1516A, MAX1517A, MAX1518A p

2009-01-11 | rar | 555 | 次下載 | 3積分


The MAX1516A/MAX1517A/MAX1518A include a highperformance
step-up regulator, two linear-regulator controllers,
and high-current operational amplifiers for
active-matrix thin-film transistor (TFT) liquid-crystal displays
(LCDs). Also included is a logic-controlled, highvoltage
switch with adjustable delay.
The step-up DC-DC converter provides the regulated
supply voltage for the panel source driver ICs. The converter
is a high-frequency (1.2MHz) current-mode regulator
with an integrated 14V n-channel MOSFET that
allows the use of ultra-small inductors and ceramic
capacitors. It provides fast transient response to pulsed
loads while achieving efficiencies over 85%.
The gate-on and gate-off linear-regulator controllers
provide regulated TFT gate-on and gate-off supplies
using external charge pumps attached to the switching
node. The MAX1518A includes five high-performance
operational amplifiers, the MAX1517A includes three,
and the MAX1516A includes one operational amplifier.
These amplifiers are designed to drive the LCD backplane
(VCOM) and/or the gamma-correction divider
string. The devices feature high output current
(±150mA), fast slew rate (13V/μs), wide bandwidth
(12MHz), and rail-to-rail inputs and outputs.
The MAX1516A/MAX1517A/MAX1518A are available in
32-pin thin QFN packages with a maximum thickness of
0.8mm for ultra-thin LCD panels.
Notebook Computer Displays
LCD Monitor Panels
Automotive Displays
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