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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>IC datasheet pdf>NE8392/NE8392C pdf datasheet (

NE8392/NE8392C pdf datasheet (

2009-02-09 | rar | 333 | 次下載 | 3積分


The NE8392C Coaxial Transceiver Interface (CTI) is a bipolar coaxial line driver/receiver for Ethernet (10base5) and Thin Ethernet (10base2) local area networks. The CTI is connected between the
coaxial cable and the Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) and consists
of a receiver, transmitter, receive-mode collision detector, heartbeat
generator and jabber timer (see Block Diagram). The transmitter
output connects directly to a doubly terminated 50W cable, while the
receiver output, collision detector output and transmitter input are
connected to the DTE through isolation transformers. Isolation
between the CTI and the DTE is an IEEE 802.3 requirement that
can be met on signal lines by using a set of pulse transformers
normally available in a standard 16-pin DIP. Power isolation for the
CTI is achieved using DC-to-DC conversion through a power
transformer (see Figure 1, Connection Diagram).
During transmission the jabber timer is initiated to disable the CTI
transmitter in the event of a longer than legal length data packet.
Receive-mode collision detection circuitry monitors the signals on
the coaxial cable to determine the presence of colliding packets and
signals the DTE in the event of a collision. At the end of every transmission the heartbeat generator creates a pseudo collision for a short time to ensure that the collision circuitry is functioning correctly. The heartbeat function can be disabled for repeater applications.





  1. 1TC358743XBG評估板參考手冊
  2. 1.36 MB  |  330次下載  |  免費
  3. 2開關電源基礎知識
  4. 5.73 MB  |  11次下載  |  免費
  5. 3嵌入式linux-聊天程序設計
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  7. 4DIY動手組裝LED電子顯示屏
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  11. 651單片機窗簾控制器仿真程序
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  13. 751單片機PM2.5檢測系統程序
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  15. 8基于51單片機的RGB調色燈程序仿真
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  5. 3接口電路圖大全
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  7. 4開關電源設計實例指南
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  9. 5電氣工程師手冊免費下載(新編第二版pdf電子書)
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  11. 6數字電路基礎pdf(下載)
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  13. 7電子制作實例集錦 下載
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  15. 8《LED驅動電路設計》 溫德爾著
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  3. 2protel99se軟件下載(可英文版轉中文版)
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  5. 3MATLAB 7.1 下載 (含軟件介紹)
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  7. 4OrCAD10.5下載OrCAD10.5中文版軟件
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  13. 7十天學會AVR單片機與C語言視頻教程 下載
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  15. 8proe5.0野火版下載(中文版免費下載)
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