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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>IC datasheet pdf>MAX9867pdfdatasheet (Ultra-L

MAX9867pdfdatasheet (Ultra-L

2009-10-03 | rar | 322 | 次下載 | 5積分


The MAX9867 is an ultra-low power stereo audio codec designed for portable consumer devices such as mobile phones and portable gaming consoles.
The device features stereo differential microphone inputs
that can be connected to either analog or digital microphones.
The single-ended line inputs, with configurable
preamplifier, can be sent to the ADC for record or routed
directly to the headphone amplifier for playback. An auxiliary
ADC path can be used to track any DC voltage.
The stereo headphone amplifiers support differential,
single-ended, and capacitorless output configurations.
Using the capacitorless output configuration, the
device can output 10mW into 32Ω headphones.
Comprehensive click-and-pop circuitry suppresses
audible clicks and pops during volume changes and
startup or shutdown.
Utilizing Maxim’s proprietary digital circuitry, the device
can accept any available 10MHz to 60MHz system
clock. This architecture eliminates the need for an
external PLL and multiple crystal oscillators. The stereo
ADC and DAC paths provide user-configurable voiceband
or audioband digital filters. Voiceband filters provide
extra attenuation at the GSM packet frequency
and greater than 70dB stopband attenuation at fS/2.
The MAX9867 operates from a single 1.8V supply, and
supports a 1.65V to 3.6V logic level. An I2C 2-wire serial
interface provides control for volume levels, signal
mixing, and general operating modes.
The MAX9867 is available in a tiny 2.2mm x 2.7mm,
0.4mm-ball-pitch, WLP package. A 32-pin 5mm x 5mm TQFN package is also available.
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