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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>IC datasheet pdf>ADP1650,pdf datasheet (single white LED flash driver)

ADP1650,pdf datasheet (single white LED flash driver)

2010-07-29 | rar | 68 | 次下載 | 5積分


The ADP1650 is a very compact, highly efficient, single white LED flash driver for high resolution camera phones that improves picture and video quality in low light environments. The device integrates a programmable 1.5 MHz or 3.0 MHz synchronous inductive boost converter, an I2C-compatible interface, and a 1500 mA current source. The high switching frequency enables the use of a tiny, 1 mm high, low cost, 1 μH power inductor, and the current source permits LED cathode grounding for thermally enhanced, low EMI, and compact layouts.
The LED driver maximizes efficiency over the entire battery voltage range to maximize the input-power-to-LED-power conversion and minimize battery current draw during flash events. A programmable dc battery current limit safely maximizes LED current for all LED VF and battery voltage conditions.
Two independent TxMASK inputs permit the flash LED current and battery current to reduce quickly during a power amplifier current burst. The I2C-compatible interface enables the pro-grammability of timers, currents, and status bit readback for operation monitoring and safety control.
The ADP1650 comes in a compact 12-ball, 0.5 mm pitch package and operates within specification over the full ?40°C to +125°C junction temperature range.

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