The AS1106 and the AS1107 are compact display drivers for 7-segment numeric displays of up to 8 digits. The devices can be programmed via SPI, QSPI, and Microwire as well as a conventional 4-wire serial interface.
The devices include an integrated BCD code-B/HEX decoder, multiplex scan circuitry, segment and display drivers, and a 64-bit memory. Internal memory stores the LED settings, eliminating the need for continuous device reprogramming.
Every segment can be individually addressed and updated separately. Only one external resistor (RSET) is required to set the current through the LED display. LED brightness can be controlled by analog or digital means. The devices can be programmed to use the internal code-B/HEX decoder to display numeric digits or to directly address each segment.
The AS1106 and the AS1107 feature an extremely low shutdown current of typically 3μA, and an operational current of less than 500μA. The number of digits can be programmed, the devices can be reset by software, and an external clock is also supported. Additionally, segment blinking can be synchronized across multiple drivers. Several test modes are available for easy application debugging.
The devices are available in 24-pin DIP and 24-pin SOIC packages.
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