摘要:CPLDs 將越來越多的應用到手持設備如手機,個人媒體播放器,手持視頻游戲機,數碼相
機等.CPLD 提供非常低的待機功耗,超小型節省空間的封裝,從而提高了系統集成度。與傳
統的使用ASICs 和ASSPs 相比,CPLDs 為設計師提供了一個低成本系統解決方案。本文介紹
了CPLDs 的應用,在設計上的靈活性和CPLDs 的功耗。
How to select CPLDs for handheld applications
CPLDs offer designers a low-cost system solution with significant
advantages compared to traditional implementations using ASICs and ASSPs
By Shantanu Dhavale, Lattice Semiconductor
The rapid proliferation of handheld products, including mobile phones,
personal media players, handheld video game players, and digital still
cameras, continues to put increasing pressure on system designers to
deliver new features and capabilities in a compressed time-to-market
window. According to forecasts from the market intelligence firm iSuppli
Corp., core semiconductor revenue in this space is expected to grow from
an estimated $26B in 2008 to $30B in 2012, a CAGR of 4 percent (core is
defined by iSuppli Corp. as ASSPs, ASICs and PLDs).
摘要:CPLDs 將越來越多的應用到手持設備如手機,個人媒體播放器,手持視頻游戲機,數碼相
機等.CPLD 提供非常低的待機功耗,超小型節省空間的封裝,從而提高了系統集成度。與傳
統的使用ASICs 和ASSPs 相比,CPLDs 為設計師提供了一個低成本系統解決方案。本文介紹
了CPLDs 的應用,在設計上的靈活性和CPLDs 的功耗。
How to select CPLDs for handheld applications
CPLDs offer designers a low-cost system solution with significant
advantages compared to traditional implementations using ASICs and ASSPs
By Shantanu Dhavale, Lattice Semiconductor
The rapid proliferation of handheld products, including mobile phones,
personal media players, handheld video game players, and digital still
cameras, continues to put increasing pressure on system designers to
deliver new features and capabilities in a compressed time-to-market
window. According to forecasts from the market intelligence firm iSuppli
Corp., core semiconductor revenue in this space is expected to grow from
an estimated $26B in 2008 to $30B in 2012, a CAGR of 4 percent (core is
defined by iSuppli Corp. as ASSPs, ASICs and PLDs).
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