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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>消費電子>產品手冊>Verification Methodology Manua

Verification Methodology Manua

2009-07-22 | rar | 4301 | 次下載 | 5積分


In the process of design and verification, experience shows that it is the latter task that dominates time scales. This book defines a methodology that helps minimize the time necessary to meet the verification requirements. It also takes the opportunity offered by the definition of a methodology to also define standards that will enable the creation of interoperable verification environments and components.
Using interoperable environments and components is essential in reducing the effort required to verify a complete product. A consistent usage model is present in all verification environments. System-level environments are able to leverage the components, self-checking structure and coverage from block-level environments. Formal tools are able to share the same properties used by simulation. Verification IP is able to meet the requirement of verifying the interface block as well as the system-level functionality that resides behind it.
The methodology described in this book defines standards for specifying reusable properties that are efficient to simulate and that can be formally verified. It defines standards for creating transaction and data descriptors to facilitate their constrainable random generation while maintaining a flexible directed capability. This methodology standardizes how bus-functional models, monitors and transactors are designed to provide stimulus and checking functions that are relevant from block to system. Furthermore, this methodology sets standards for the integration of the various components into a verification environment so they can be easily combined, controlled and later extricated to leverage in different environments. The book also defines standards for implementing coverage models and software verification environments. These standards, when put together in a coherent methodology, help reduce the effort required to verify a design.
The methodology described in this book could be implemented using a different language or a different set of standards. But interoperability is maximized when the same language and the same set of standards are used. The classes and associated guidelines specified in this book can be freely used by anyone, users and EDA vendors alike. The objective is to create a vibrant SystemVerilog verification ecosystem that speaks a common language, uses a common approach and creates highly interoperable verification environments and components.
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