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2017-10-17 | rar | 3.23 MB | 次下載 | 免費


  The MCP4021/2/3/4 devices are non-volatile, 6-bit digital potentiometers that can be configured as either a potentiometer or rheostat. The wiper setting is controlled through a simple Up/Down (U/D) serial interface. These device’s implement Microchip’s WiperLock technology, which allows application-specific calibration settings to be secured in the EEPROM without requiring the use of an additional write-protect pin.

  The MCP402X devices are non-volatile, 6-bit (64 wiper steps) digital potentiometers that are programmed/reprogrammed through a simple up/down serial interface. The MCP402X devices offer a variety of configurations simplifying design while minimizing cost, package size and pin count. The MCP4021 device offers a voltage divider (potentiometer), with all terminals available on pins. The MCP4022 is a true rheostat, with both nodes of the resistor available on pins. The MCP4023 device offers a voltage divider (potentiometer), with one terminal connected to ground. The MCP4024 device is a rheostat mode device, with one terminal of the resistor connected to ground. The devices offer WiperLock? Technology which allows the user unlimited reprogramming and locking of the wiper setting. This is useful for equipment that requires factory trimming or recalibration. The MCP402x family of devices are available with resistor values of 2.1kΩ, 5kΩ, 10kΩ and 50kΩ。 These devices operate from a single 2.7-5.5V supply and draw less than 1 μA while operating in the static state.

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