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2017-10-18 | rar | 0.38 MB | 次下載 | 免費


  The ADuM7440/ADuM7441/ADuM74421 are 4-channel digital isolators based on the Analog Devices, Inc., iCoupler? technology. Combining high speed CMOS and monolithic air core transformer technologies, these isolation components provide outstanding performance characteristics superior to the alternatives, such as optocoupler devices and other integrated couplers. The ADuM7440/ADuM7441/ADuM7442 family of quad 1 kV digital isolation devices is packaged in a small 16-lead QSOP. While most 4-channel isolators come in 16-lead wide SOIC packages, the ADuM7440/ADuM7441/ADuM7442 free almost 70% of board space and yet can still withstand high isolation voltage and meet UL regulatory requirements. In addition to the space savings, the ADuM7440/ADuM7441/ADuM7442 offer a lower price than 2.5 kV or 5 kV isolators where only functional isolation is needed. This family, like many Analog Devices isolators, offers very low power consumption, consuming one-tenth to one-sixth the power of comparable isolators at comparable data rates up to 25 Mbps. Despite the low power consumption, all models of the ADuM7440/ADuM7441/ADuM7442 provide low pulse width distortion (《5 ns for C grade)。 In addition, every model has an input glitch filter to protect against extraneous noise disturbances. The ADuM7440/ADuM7441/ADuM7442 isolators provide four independent isolation channels in a variety of channel configurations and two data rates (see the Ordering Guide) up to 25 Mbps. All models operate with the supply voltage on either side ranging from 3.0 V to 5.5 V, providing compatibility with lower voltage systems as well as enabling voltage translation functionality across the isolation barrier. All products also have an output default high logic state in the absence of the input power.

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