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2017-10-26 | rar | 1.21 MB | 次下載 | 免費


  The ADP1853 is a wide range input, dc-to-dc, synchronous buck controller capable of running from commonly used 3.3 V to 12 V (up to 20 V) voltage inputs. The device nominally operates in current mode with valley current sensing providing the fastest step response for digital loads. It can also be configured as a voltage mode controller with low noise and crosstalk for sensitive loads. The ADP1853 can be used as a master synchronization clock for the power system and for convenient synchronization between controllers. The CLKOUT signal can synchronize other devices in the ADP185x family such that slave devices are phase-shifted from the master to reduce the input ripple current, improve EMI, and reduce the size of the input bulk capacitance. The ADP1853 can also be configured as a slave device for current sharing. Additionally, the ADP1853 includes accurate tracking, precision enable, and power good functions for sequencing. The ADP1853 provides a high speed, high peak current gate driving capability to enable energy efficient power conversion. The device can be configured to operate in power saving mode by skipping pulses, reducing switching losses and improving efficiency at light load and standby conditions. The accurate current limit allows design within a narrower range of tolerances and can reduce overall converter size and cost. The ADP1853 can regulate down to 0.6 V output using a high accuracy reference with ±1% tolerance over the temperature range from ?40°C to 125°C.

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