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2017-05-20 | pdf | 140KB | 次下載 | 免費


  Introduction For clarity, this application report organizes several devices into two families that share a common coefficient RAM (C-RAM) access mechanism:

  ? Family 1: – TSC2117 – TLV320AIC3111 – TLV320AIC3100 – TLV320AIC3120 – TLV320DAC3120 – TLV320DAC3101 – TLV320DAC3100 – TLV320AIC36 – TLV320ADC3101 – TLV320ADC3001

  ? Family 2: – TLV320AIC3254 – TLV320AIC3204 – TLV320AIC3253 – TLV320AIC3256

  Note that some features do not apply to some devices within a family. For instance, the TLV320ADC3101 does not have digital-to-analog converter (DAC) channels, therefore, any mention of DAC channel filtering does not apply for this device. In a similar fashion, the TLV320AIC3204 does not have a programmable miniDSP, therefore, any miniDSP mention does not apply for this device. Although the C-RAM access mechanism can be the same, some devices differ on the C-RAM size and word length. The following conventions are used throughout this document: ? miniDSP_D – miniDSP associated with the DAC channel. ? miniDSP_A – miniDSP associated with the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) channel. ? PRB_Px – DAC processing block x, where x denotes any processing block for playback. ? PRB_Ry – ADC processing block y, where y denotes any processing block for recording. ? DAC(s) – it means that a statement applies if an action is performed to one or both DACs. ? DACs – it means that a statement applies if an action is performed to both DACs. ? ADC(s) – it means that a statement applies if an action is performed to one or both ADCs. ? ADCs – it means that a statement applies if an action is performed to both ADCs. ? Page X or Page Y – X refers to the first page of DAC Buffer A whereas Y refers to the first page of ADC Buffer A.


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