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2017-10-31 | rar | 0.54 MB | 次下載 | 免費


  In this application, the CPU interfaces to the main ASIC through the high-bandwidth PCI bus. Low-end

  multi-function printers (MFPs) are able to share the same platform simply by adding a scanner/fax engine.

  The interface ASIC provides the various network interfaces that are used to access the printer.

  Image data coming through the scanner or fax interface is sent to the main ASIC, which processes the

  image by implementing algorithms for image compression/decompression and rendering. The image data

  is then processed in the FPU in the CPU core at high speeds and sent to the printer engine. Likewise, image

  data or text data that are interfaced at the Ethernet interface on the interface ASIC are also manipulated at

  the main ASIC and CPU and sent to the printer engine.

  Recent MFP systems require higher processor performance in order to manipulate large, high-quality

  images at high speeds. Required networking interfaces including USB, PCI, and Gigabit Ethernet are

  integrated on the MPC8313E, allowing for the CPU and interface ASIC to be consolidated in one device.

  As a result, an MFP application can be developed by combining the MPC8313E with the main ASIC

  (graphic processing ASIC) at a lower cost without the need to have separate a CPU and interface ASIC.

  At the same time, the system is required to consume low power. The MPC8313E provides several power

  management methods to reduce power consumption.


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