This document describes the known exceptions to the functional specifications for the AM35x ARM
Microprocessors. [For more detailed information, see the AM35x ARM Microprocessor Data Manual
(Literature Number: SPRS550)].
The advisory numbers in the document are not sequential. Some advisory numbers have been moved to
the next revision. When items are moved, the remaining advisory numbers are not resequenced.
Throughout this document, unless otherwise specified, AM35x, refers to all AM35x family devices. For
additional peripheral information, see the latest version of the AM35x ARM Microprocessor Technical
Reference Manual [literature number SPRUGR0].
This document also contains "Usage Notes." Usage Notes highlight and describe particular situations
where the device's behavior may not match presumed or documented behavior. This may include
behaviors that affect device performance or functional correctness. These notes will be incorporated into
future documentation updates for the device (such as the device-specific data sheet), and the behaviors
they describe will not be altered in future silicon revisions.
- AM3517/AM3505高性能ARM Cortex-A8微處理器數據表
- AM3715、AM3703 Sitara ARM微處理器數據表
- AM3874 AM3872 AM3871 Sitara ARM微處理器數據表
- 基于TI AM5728 RTOS開發手冊
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- am1707_Sitara ARM微處理器技術參考手冊 1次下載
- AM1707 Silicon Errata Silicon
- AM1810 ARM Microprocessor Silicon Errata (Silicon Revision 2
- AM3517,AM3505,pdf(Sitara ARM Microprocessor (MPU))
- AM3715,AM3703,pdf(Sitara ARM Microprocessors)
- AM389x Sitara ARM Microprocess
- AM3894,AM3892,pdf(Sitara ARM Microprocessors (MPUs))
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