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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>接口技術>Research and Development of th

Research and Development of th

2009-09-03 | rar | 192 | 次下載 | 5積分


This paper is to briefly introduce the Embedded Intelligent Monitoring System, which is based on the embedded operation system of Wince.net and ARM9. The practical application of PROFIBUS in this system is researched. The master station protocol chip- MDP card is discussed in details. The development of the hardware structure and the device driver of the DP protocol card are presented.
Key words: Windows CE.net, main station protocol chip, PROFIBUS-DP, ARM9, device driver At present, the intelligent protocol chip – ASPC2 to set up the PROFIBUS-DP master station are so often used. In consideration of the price of the project and the advantage of the embedded system, we choose the PROFIBUS – DP protocol card, which is developed by ourselves. And we put it into the embedded system set by Win CE.net + ARM9. It is a totally new trial. Our embedded maser station is based on the Microsoft Windows CE.net operating system (OS) and the SAMSUNG SMDK2410 mainboard. It communicates with its slave stations through the RS-485 serial port that is in the DP card.
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