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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>汽車電子>m25cl64b 64 kbit/s(8K×8)串行(SPI)汽車F-RAM

m25cl64b 64 kbit/s(8K×8)串行(SPI)汽車F-RAM

2017-09-12 | rar | 0.59 MB | 次下載 | 免費


  The FM25CL64B is a 64-Kbit nonvolatile memory employing an advanced ferroelectric process. A ferroelectric random access memory or F-RAM is nonvolatile and performs reads and writes similar to a RAM. It provides reliable data retention for 121 years while eliminating the complexities, overhead, and system level reliability problems caused by serial flash, EEPROM, and other nonvolatile memories. Unlike serial flash and EEPROM, the FM25CL64B performs write operations at bus speed. No write delays are incurred. Data is written to the memory array immediately after each byte is successfully transferred to the device. The next bus cycle can commence without the need for data polling. In addition, the product offers substantial write endurance compared with other nonvolatile memories. The FM25CL64B is capable of supporting 1013 read/write cycles, or 10 million times more write cycles than EEPROM. These capabilities make the FM25CL64B ideal for nonvolatile memory applications requiring frequent or rapid writes. Examples range from data collection, where the number of write cycles may be critical, to demanding industrial controls where the long write time of serial flash or EEPROM can cause data loss. The FM25CL64B provides substantial benefits to users of serial EEPROM or flash as a hardware drop-in replacement. The FM25CL64B uses the high-speed SPI bus, which enhances the high-speed write capability of F-RAM technology. The device specifications are guaranteed over an automotive-e temperature range of –40 °C to +125 °C. For a complete list of related resources, click here..
m25cl64b 64 kbit/s(8K×8)串行(SPI)汽車F-RAM

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