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電子發燒友網>電子資料下載>汽車電子>cy7c1011cv33 2兆位靜態RAM

cy7c1011cv33 2兆位靜態RAM

2017-09-14 | rar | 0.53 MB | 次下載 | 免費


  The CY7C1011CV33 is a high performance complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) static RAM organized as 131,072 words by 16 bits. This device has an automatic power down feature that significantly reduces power consumption when deselected. To write to the device, take CE and Write Enable (WE) inputs LOW. If Byte Low Enable (BLE) is LOW, then data from I/O pins (I/O0 through I/O7), is written into the location specified on the address pins (A0 through A16)。 If Byte High Enable (BHE) is LOW, then data from I/O pins (I/O8 through I/O15) is written into the location specified on the address pins (A0 through A16)。 To read from the device, take CE and OE LOW while forcing the Write Enable (WE) HIGH. If BLE is LOW, then data from the memory location specified by the address pins appear on I/O0 to I/O7. If Byte High Enable (BHE) is LOW, then data from memory appears on I/O8 to I/O15. For more information, see the Truth Table on page 11 for a complete description of Read and Write modes. The input and output pins (I/O0 through I/O15) are placed in a high impedance state when the device is deselected (CE HIGH), the outputs are disabled (OE HIGH), the BHE and BLE are disabled (BHE, BLE HIGH), or during a write operation (CE LOW and WE LOW)。 For a complete list of related documentation, click here
 cy7c1011cv33 2兆位靜態RAM

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