在研究工業網絡實時性要求的基礎上,給出了工業以太網和實時以太網的定義,深入分析了6 種主要實時以太網的通信協議,并概要論述了以太網運動控制、網絡安全和以太網延伸至現場設備級等關鍵技術。同時,較全面地概述了我國EPA 實時以太網技
關鍵詞實時性實時擴展實時以太網運動控制網絡安全E 網延伸
Abstract On the basis of the study upon the requirement of real time performance of industrial network,the definitions of industrial Ethernet and real
time Ethernet are given. Six of major communication protocols of real time Ethernet are deeply analyzed and some of the critical technologies,e. g. ,motion
control,network security and Ethernet extension to field equipment level are expounded. Meanwhile the technology and standard of EPA real time
Ethernet in our country are described comprehensively.
Keywords Real - time performance Real - time expansion Real - time Ethernet Motion control Network security Ethernet extension
關鍵詞實時性實時擴展實時以太網運動控制網絡安全E 網延伸
Abstract On the basis of the study upon the requirement of real time performance of industrial network,the definitions of industrial Ethernet and real
time Ethernet are given. Six of major communication protocols of real time Ethernet are deeply analyzed and some of the critical technologies,e. g. ,motion
control,network security and Ethernet extension to field equipment level are expounded. Meanwhile the technology and standard of EPA real time
Ethernet in our country are described comprehensively.
Keywords Real - time performance Real - time expansion Real - time Ethernet Motion control Network security Ethernet extension
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