本文介紹了基于IPC-PLC 燃煤供暖熱水鍋爐監控系統的硬件配置及其功能的軟件實現。
關鍵詞: 鍋爐 SIMATIC PLC 燃燒控制
Abstract: This article introduces the hardware configuration and the software achievement of
coal firing and hot water boiler monitoring and control system based on IPC-PLC. In view of the features of the combustion control system, pressure control system and flux control system, corresponding algorithms are adopted. The results of operation prove that this system has realized the technical request of the better combustion and economizing energy reducing wastage and worked steadily.
Key words: Boiler SIMATIC PLC Combustion control
關鍵詞: 鍋爐 SIMATIC PLC 燃燒控制
Abstract: This article introduces the hardware configuration and the software achievement of
coal firing and hot water boiler monitoring and control system based on IPC-PLC. In view of the features of the combustion control system, pressure control system and flux control system, corresponding algorithms are adopted. The results of operation prove that this system has realized the technical request of the better combustion and economizing energy reducing wastage and worked steadily.
Key words: Boiler SIMATIC PLC Combustion control
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