該智能門衛系統采用語音識別技術,在陵陽單片機SPCE061A 上實現。硬件部分主要
由SPCE061A 單片機、電源與門控電路、外擴存儲器SPR4096、音頻輸入與輸出電路等組成。主要技術是該單片機在語音識別中的應用和對門控電路的設計。該系統軟件部分由語音訓練模塊、語音識別模塊、語音數據處理模塊、語音播報模塊和密碼輸入與確認模塊組成,通過對系統的初始化和識別訓練實現了語音數據的采集、特征提取、特定語音識別和語音播放等功能。根據語音識別算法原理,對語音信號的預處理、特征提取、模式匹配做了分析。該系統實驗結果表明,系統性能穩定,識別效果好,可用于家庭或小型辦公場所的門鎖控制。
關鍵詞: 語音識別、門控系統、線性預測、特征提取、模式匹配
Abstract:The intelligent guard system adopts the technology of the voice identification which based on the SPCE061A single chip. The system hardware is made up of SPCE061A single chip, the power and gating circuit, the extended memorizer SPR4096, the voice input and output circuit. The key technologies are the application of the SPCE061A single chip on voice recognition and the design of the door control circuit. The system software is made up of the voice training module, the voice identification module, the voice data processing module, the voice playing module and the code of input and output module. The system completes the functions of collecting the voice data, distilling character, special voice identification and voice playing in terms of initializing the system and the identification training. According to the voice identification arithmetic theory, the pretreatment of voice signal, the character distilling and pattern matching is analyzed. The results of the experiments indicate that the system capability is steady and the identification is effective. The system can be applied in house or small office safety protection.
Key Words:Voice identification, lock control, linear prediction, character distil, pattern
由SPCE061A 單片機、電源與門控電路、外擴存儲器SPR4096、音頻輸入與輸出電路等組成。主要技術是該單片機在語音識別中的應用和對門控電路的設計。該系統軟件部分由語音訓練模塊、語音識別模塊、語音數據處理模塊、語音播報模塊和密碼輸入與確認模塊組成,通過對系統的初始化和識別訓練實現了語音數據的采集、特征提取、特定語音識別和語音播放等功能。根據語音識別算法原理,對語音信號的預處理、特征提取、模式匹配做了分析。該系統實驗結果表明,系統性能穩定,識別效果好,可用于家庭或小型辦公場所的門鎖控制。
關鍵詞: 語音識別、門控系統、線性預測、特征提取、模式匹配
Abstract:The intelligent guard system adopts the technology of the voice identification which based on the SPCE061A single chip. The system hardware is made up of SPCE061A single chip, the power and gating circuit, the extended memorizer SPR4096, the voice input and output circuit. The key technologies are the application of the SPCE061A single chip on voice recognition and the design of the door control circuit. The system software is made up of the voice training module, the voice identification module, the voice data processing module, the voice playing module and the code of input and output module. The system completes the functions of collecting the voice data, distilling character, special voice identification and voice playing in terms of initializing the system and the identification training. According to the voice identification arithmetic theory, the pretreatment of voice signal, the character distilling and pattern matching is analyzed. The results of the experiments indicate that the system capability is steady and the identification is effective. The system can be applied in house or small office safety protection.
Key Words:Voice identification, lock control, linear prediction, character distil, pattern
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