本文研究了廣域網分布式集群的設計。與LVS 相比,這種集群的結構雖然復雜,但
是能夠克服傳統集群的局限性,提供質量好,容量大,性價比高的解決方案。根據一種稱之為CG 樹的分布式集群的抽象模型,作者設計了自己CG 樹算法。這種方案能有效的減少網絡節點之間的通信開銷,并能在集群系統出現故障時自動進行調整,保證了高可用性。模擬實驗結果表明,該系統具有很好的性能。
關鍵字:分布式 集群 CG 樹 LVS
Abstract:The paper studies the designs of wide-area distributed cluster. Although these kinds of cluster have more complex structure, they can overcome limitations of traditional cluster and provide resolutions with good quality, large capacity and high performance compared to LVS. Base on a model of distributed cluster, named CG tree, the author design his algorithms to manipulate CG trees. The scheme can efficiently reduce the cost of intercommunication between different networks, and can automatically adjust tree to ensure high availability when cluster faults occur. The result of simulated experiments indicates that the system has quite good performance.
Key words:Distributed cluster CG tree LVS
是能夠克服傳統集群的局限性,提供質量好,容量大,性價比高的解決方案。根據一種稱之為CG 樹的分布式集群的抽象模型,作者設計了自己CG 樹算法。這種方案能有效的減少網絡節點之間的通信開銷,并能在集群系統出現故障時自動進行調整,保證了高可用性。模擬實驗結果表明,該系統具有很好的性能。
關鍵字:分布式 集群 CG 樹 LVS
Abstract:The paper studies the designs of wide-area distributed cluster. Although these kinds of cluster have more complex structure, they can overcome limitations of traditional cluster and provide resolutions with good quality, large capacity and high performance compared to LVS. Base on a model of distributed cluster, named CG tree, the author design his algorithms to manipulate CG trees. The scheme can efficiently reduce the cost of intercommunication between different networks, and can automatically adjust tree to ensure high availability when cluster faults occur. The result of simulated experiments indicates that the system has quite good performance.
Key words:Distributed cluster CG tree LVS
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