Abstract: In telerobotic systems, predictive displays are widely used to overcome the affection of time delay at present. But it is not reliable to accomplish the remote-servicing task by the assistant of the simulated graphic models because of the lack of accurate matching between the virtual environment and the real environment. This paper presents key techniques about an overlay of the three dimensional graphical models over video images. It can offer the operator the accurate matching between the simulated model and the video image of the actual robot, and assist the operator to accomplish the remote control task correctly and reliably.
key words: graphics overlay on video images; telerobotic operation;predictive display;camera calibration
Abstract: In telerobotic systems, predictive displays are widely used to overcome the affection of time delay at present. But it is not reliable to accomplish the remote-servicing task by the assistant of the simulated graphic models because of the lack of accurate matching between the virtual environment and the real environment. This paper presents key techniques about an overlay of the three dimensional graphical models over video images. It can offer the operator the accurate matching between the simulated model and the video image of the actual robot, and assist the operator to accomplish the remote control task correctly and reliably.
key words: graphics overlay on video images; telerobotic operation;predictive display;camera calibration
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