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2009-07-15 | rar | 336 | 次下載 | 5積分


先進復合材料的固化成型工藝十分復雜, 目前在很大程度上仍依賴于經驗工藝。為了實現復合材料固化工藝的透明化、科學化及智能化, 提出了將光纖折射率傳感器用于復合材料制造過程, 研制了一種折射率光纖傳感器, 同時將光源、探測器信號處理器元器件集成化為一個便攜式的光纖傳感儀以利于生產現場使用。利用該傳感器對常溫固化樹脂的固化過程進行了測量, 將其與同等條件下邁克爾遜干涉儀對固化過程的監測結果進行了比
較, 二者具有良好的一致性。在實驗室與生產現場兩種條件下將光纖折射率傳感器埋設于預浸料中對其固化工藝過程進行了監測。結果表明, 該技術不僅可以用于新型樹脂固化工藝制度的確定, 也可用于復合材料固化工藝過程的在線監測。
關鍵詞:  光纖傳感器; 折射率; 復合材料; 固化
Abstract:  T ill now the p rocessing of advanced compo site is still emp irical due to its comp licated physical and chem ical change. In o rder to transfo rm the p rocessing technique from an emp irical state to a transparent, scientific and intelligent app roach, the idea of monito ring the cure p rocess of the compo site p roductsw ith fiber op tic sensing technique is put fo rth. A fiber op tic refractive senso r w as developed and a po rtable instrument fo r the op tic em is2 sion, signal receiving and interogation w as integrated to meet the requirement of on2site app lication. W ith it the cure p rocess of resin and fiber reinfo rced p rep regs can be monito red. Tests of resin cure p rocess monito ring are carried out w ith bo th the resin that should be cured under room temperature and the resin that should be cured un2 der h igh temperature. The results of tests w ith resin cure under temperature w ere compared w ith the results of M ichelson interferometer tests under sim ilar circum stances, w h ich are in good consistency. Testsw ere also carried out in compo site manufacture, in w h ich the fiber op tic refractive senso rs w ere embedded in the p rep reg during the cure p rocess. It is p roved that w ith th ismethod the key info rmation of the cure p rocess can be extracted out during
the p rocess and can be used in on2line intelligent contro l. In conclusion, th is technique can be used no t only in the establishment of the cure routine but also in the in2situ monito ring and contro l of the compo site manufacture p ro2 cess.
Key words:  f iber op t ic sen so rs; ref ract ive; compo site; cu re

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