The Agilent10717A Wavelength Tracker (see Figure7I-1) uses one
axis of a laser measurement system to report wavelength-of-light
changes, not changes in position (displacement). The Agilent10717A
Wavelength Tracker’s output can be used to correct displacement
values reported via other measurement axes in the system. Since the
wavelength of the laser light is the length standard used in Agilent
laser measurement systems, being able to track these changes helps to
make more-accurate measurements.
The Agilent10717A Wavelength Tracker (see Figure7I-1) uses one
axis of a laser measurement system to report wavelength-of-light
changes, not changes in position (displacement). The Agilent10717A
Wavelength Tracker’s output can be used to correct displacement
values reported via other measurement axes in the system. Since the
wavelength of the laser light is the length standard used in Agilent
laser measurement systems, being able to track these changes helps to
make more-accurate measurements.
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