
Table of Contents
CED1Z FPGA Project for AD7400A with Nios driver
Supported Devices
Evaluation Boards
This document presents the steps to setup an environment for using the EVAL-AD7400AEDZ evaluation board together with the EVAL-CED Converter Evaluation and Development (CED) Board and the Nios II Embedded Development Suite (EDS). Below is presented a picture of the EVAL-AD7400A Evaluation Board with the CED1 board.
The CED1Z board is intended for use in evaluation, demonstration and development of systems using Analog Devices precision converters. It provides the necessary communications between the converter and the PC, programming or controlling the device, transmitting or receiving data over a USB link.
The AD7400 and AD7400A are second-order, sigma-delta modulators that convert an analog input signal into a high speed, 1-bit data stream with on-chip digital isolation based on Analog Devices, Inc., iCoupler? technology. They operate from a 5 V power supply and accept a differential input signal of ±200 mV for AD7400 and ±250 mV for AD7400A (±320 mV full scale). The analog input is sampled continuously by the analog modulator, eliminating the need for external sample-and-hold circuitry. The input information is contained in the output stream as a density of ones with a data rate of 10 MHz. The original information can be reconstructed with an appropriate digital filter. The serial I/O can use a 5 V or a 3 V supply (VDD2).
More information
- AD7400 Product Info - pricing, samples, datasheet
- AD7400A Product Info - pricing, samples, datasheet
- EVAL-AD7400EDZ evaluation board user guide, available when installing the reference software from the CD
Getting Started
The first objective is to ensure that you have all of the items needed and to install the software tools so that you are ready to create and run the evaluation project.
Hardware Items
Below is presented the list of required hardware items:
- Analog Devices EVAL-CED Converter Evaluation and Development (CED) Board
- Intel Pentium III or compatible Windows PC, running at 866MHz or faster, with a minimum of 512MB of system memory
Software Tools
Below is presented the list of required software tools:
- Quartus II Web Edition design software v11.0
- Nios II EDS v11.0
The Quartus II design software and the Nios II EDS is available via the Altera Complete Design Suite DVD or by downloading from the web.
Extract the Lab Files
EVAL-AD7400AEDZ Create a folder called “ADIEvalBoard” on your PC and extract the ad7400a_evalboard.zip archive to this folder. Make sure that there are NO SPACES in the directory path. After extracting the archive the following folders should be present in the ADIEvalBoard folder: FPGA, Hdl, NiosCpu, Software and DataCapture .
Folder | Description |
FPGA | Contains all the files necessary to program the CED1Z board in order to evaluate the ADC. By executing the script program_fpga.bat the FPGA will be programmed with the evaluation project. New Nios2 applications can be created using the files from this folder. The ip subfolder contains the HDL core for connecting the evaluation board to the CED1Z board , the software drivers for HAL in /hdl/src/HAL and the AD7400A registers in /hdl/src/inc |
Hdl | Contains the source files for the AD7400A HDL driver: - The doc subfolder contains a brief documentation for the core. - The src subfolder contains the HDL source files. - The tb folder contains the sources of the core's testbench |
NiosCpu | Contains the CED1Z Quartus evaluation project source files . The ip subfolder contains the AD7400A QSYS component |
Software | Contains the source files of the Nios2 SBT evaluation project |
DataCapture | Contains the script files used for data acquisition |
Install the USB-Blaster Device Driver
The USB Blaster is used to program the FPGA on the CED1Z board and also for data exchange between the system and a PC. To install the driver plug the Terasic USB Blaster into one of the PCs USB ports. Your Windows PC will find the new hardware and try to install the driver.
Since Windows cannot locate the driver for the device the automatic installation will fail and the driver has to be installed manually. In the Device Manager right click on the USB-Blaster device and select Update Driver Software.
In the next dialog box select the option Browse my computer for driver software. A new dialog will open where it is possible to point to the driver’s location. Set the location to altera/11.0/quartus/drivers/usb-blaster and press Next.
If Windows presents you with a message that the drivers have not passed Windows Logo testing, please click “Install this driver software anyway”. Upon installation completion a message will be displayed to inform that the installation is finished.
AD7400A Evaluation Project Overview
The evaluation project contains all the source files needed to build a system that can be used to configure the AD7400A and capture data from it. The system consists of a Nios II softcore processor that is implemented in the FPGA found on the CED1Z board and a PC application. The softcore controls the communication with the Device Under Test (DUT) and the data capture process. The captured data is saved into the SRAM of the CED1Z board and aftwerwards it is read by the PC application and saved into a comma separated values (.csv) file that can be used for further data analysis.
The following components are implemented in the FPGA design:
Name | Address | IRQ |
CPU | 0x00000800 | - |
PLL | 0x00000000 | - |
ONCHIP_MEM | 0x00002000 | - |
LEDS | 0x00000010 | - |
SYSID | 0x00000020 | - |
SRAM | 0x00200000 | - |
JTAG_UART_0 | 0x00000030 | 1 |
SYS_TIMER | 0x00000040 | 2 |
PWR_DATA | 0x00000060 | - |
I2C_INT | 0x00000080 | - |
PWR_EN_CLK | 0x000000a0 | - |
AD7400A_0 | 0x00000120 | - |
Table 1 System components |
The Nios II processor contains a peripheral that implements the communication protocol with the DUT. The peripheral is divided into three logical modules: a module which implements the interface with the Avalon bus and the communication with the SRAM, a module which implements an Avalon master interface which is used to write data directly in the SRAM and a module which communicates with the AD7400A.
Table 2 describes the port definitions of the Avalon peripheral:
Port | Direction | Width | Description |
Generic pins | |||
CLK_I | IN | 1 | System clock. Designed with a 48 MHz clock |
RESET_I | IN | 1 | System reset |
Avalon Slave Interface | |||
AVALON_WRITEDATA_I | IN | 32 | Slave write data bus |
AVALON_WRITE_I | IN | 1 | Slave write data request |
AVALON_READ_I | IN | 1 | Slave read data request |
AVALON_ADDRESS_I | IN | 3 | Slave address bus |
AVALON_READDATA_O | OUT | 32 | Slave read data bus |
Avalon Master Interface | |||
AVALON_MASTER_WAITREQUEST | IN | 1 | Master wait request signal |
AVALON_MASTER_ADDRESS_O | OUT | 32 | Master address bus |
AVALON_MASTER_WRITE_O | OUT | 1 | Master write signal |
AVALON_MASTER_BYTEENABLE_O | OUT | 2 | Master byte enable signals |
AVALON_MASTER_WRITEDATA_O | OUT | 16 | Master write data bus |
External connectors | |||
ADC_MDAT_I | IN | 1 | The single bit modulator output is supplied to this pin as serial data stream. The bits are clocked out on the rising edge of the ADC_MCLKOUT_I pin and are valid on the following MCLKOUT rising edge |
ADC_MCLKOUT_I | IN | 1 | Master clock logic output of the AD7400A. The bit stream from the modulator is valid on the rising edge of MCLKOUT. |
Table 2 Port description |
Table 3 describes the registers of the Avalon peripheral:
Name | Offset | Width | Access | Description |
CONTROL_REGISTER | 0 | 32 | RW | Bit 0 is used to start data acquisition Bit 1 is used to initiate software reset of the core Bit 2 is used to configure the Avalon write master core to write data to the same location Bit 3 is used to write data to the AD7400A evaluation board |
ACQ_COUNT_REGISTER | 1 | 32 | RW | Register used to configure the number of samples to be acquired when acquisition is started |
BASE_REGISTER | 2 | 32 | RW | Register used to configure the base address of the memory location where the acquired data is to be written |
STATUS | 3 | 32 | R | Bit 0 is used to signal that the acquisition is complete Bit 1 is used to signal that the internal memory buffer has been overflown Bit 2 is used to signal that the user has performed a write of a read only register register |
Table 3 Register description |
The follwing figure presents the timing diagram for the read operations from the AD7400A driver.
AD7400A module
This module is the actual driver of the AD7400A data acquisition system.
Port | Direction | Width | Description |
General Connectors | |||
FPGA_CLK_I | IN | 1 | 48 MHz clock |
RESET_I | IN | 1 | Module reset |
CED1Z_interface connectors | |||
DATA_O | OUT | 16 | Parallel bus to transfer the data to the upper module |
DATA_RD_READY_O | OUT | 1 | Signals that at port DATA_O there is new data available |
AD7400A connectors | |||
ADC_MDAT_I | IN | 1 | The single bit modulator output is supplied to this pin as serial data stream. The bits are clocked out on the rising edge of the ADC_MCLKOUT_I pin and are valid on the following MCLKOUT rising edge |
ADC_MCLKOUT_I | IN | 1 | Master clock logic output of the AD7400A. The bit stream from the modulator is valid on the rising edge of MCLKOUT. |
Table 4 Port description for the AD7400A module |
Quick Evaluation
The next sections of this document present all the steps needed to create a fully functional project that can be used for evaluating the operation of the ADI platform. It is possible to skip these steps and load in the FPGA an image that contains a fully functional system that can be used for platform evalution. The first step of the quick evaluation process is to program the FPGA with the image provided in the lab files. Before the image can be loaded the Quartus II Web Edition tool or the Quartus II Programmer must be installed on your computer. To load the FPGA image you must first make sure that the USB cable is not connected to the CED1Z board. Connect the USB Blaster to the J6 connector of the CED1Z and power the board. Run the program_fpga.bat batch file located in the ADIEvalBoard/FPGA folder.
Make sure the jumpers have the following configuration: J7-A ,J8-A, J9-C, J10-B, J11 B, J13-B, J14-C. Connect at J1 a +5V power supply.
In order to acquire data, follow the instructions in the Evaluation Project Data Acquisition section.
NIOS II Software Design
This section presents the steps for developing a software application that will run on the CED1Z system and will be used for controlling and monitoring the operation of the ADI evaluation board.
Create a new project using the NIOS II Software Build Tools for Eclipse
Launch the Nios II SBT from the Start → All Programs → Altera → Nios II EDS 11.0 → Nios II 11.0 Software Build Tools for Eclipse (SBT).
NOTE: Windows 7 users will need to right-click and select Run as administrator. Another method is to right-click and select Properties and click on the Compatibility tab and select the Run This Program As An Administrator checkbox, which will make this a permanent change.
1. Initialize Eclipse workspace
- When Eclipse first launches, a dialog box appears asking what directory it should use for its workspace. It is useful to have a separate Eclipse workspace associated with each hardware project that is created in SOPC Builder. Browse to the ADIEvalBoard directory and click Make New Folder to create a folder for the software project. Name the new folder “eclipse_workspace”. After selecting the workspace directory, click OK and Eclipse will launch and the workbench will appear in the Nios II perspective.
2. Create a new software project in the SBT
- Select File → New → Nios II Application and BSP from Template.
- Click the Browse button in the SOPC Information File Name dialog box.
- Select the uC.sopcinfo file located in the ADIEvalBoard/FPGA directory.
- Set the name of the Application project to “ADIEvalBoard”.
- Select the Blank Project template under Project template.
- Click the Finish button.
The tool will create two new software project directories. Each Nios II application has 2 project directories in the Eclipse workspace.
- The application software project itself - this where the application lives.
- The second is the Board Support Package (BSP) project associated with the main application software project. This project will build the system library drivers for the specific SOPC system. This project inherits the name from the main software project and appends “_bsp” to that.
Since you chose the blank project template, there are no source files in the application project directory at this time. The BSP contains a directory of software drivers as well as a system.h header file, system initialization source code and other software infrastructure.
Configure the Board Support Package
- Configure the board support package to specify the properties of this software system by using the BSP Editor tool. These properties include what interface should be used for stdio and stderr messages, the memory in which stack and heap should be allocated and whether an operating system or network stack should be included with this BSP.
- Right click on the ADIEvalBoard_bsp project and select Nios II → BSP Editor… from the right-click menu.
The software project provided in this lab does not make use of an operating system. All stdout, stdin and stderr messages will be directed to the jtag_uart.
- Select the Common settings view. In the Common settings view, change the following settings:
- Select the jtag_uart_0 for stdin, stdout and stderr messages. Note that you have more than one choice.
- Select none for the sys_clk_timer and timestamp_timer.
The memory used by the design is should be changed from OnChip ram to SRAM for the .text region.
- Select Linker Script tab.
- Change .text region Linker Region Name from onchip_mem to sram.
- Select File → Save to save the board support package configuration to the settings.bsp file.
- Click the Generate button to update the BSP.
- When the generate has completed, select File → Exit to close the BSP Editor.
Configure BSP Project Build Properties
In addition to the board support package settings configured using the BSP Editor, there are other compilation settings managed by the Eclipse environment such as compiler flags and optimization level.
- Right click on the ADIEvalBoard_bsp software project and select Properties from the right-click menu.
- On the left-hand menu, select Nios II BSP Properties.
- During compilation, the code may have various levels of optimization which is a tradeoff between code size and performance. Change the Optimization level setting to Level 2
- Since our software does not make use of C++, uncheck Support C++.
- Check the Reduced device drivers option
- Check the Small C library option
- Press Apply and OK to regenerate the BSP and close the Properties window.
Add source code to the project
In Windows Explorer locate the project directory which contains a directory called Software. In Windows Explorer select all the files and directories from the Software folder and drag and drop them into the Eclipse software project ADIEvalBoard.
- Select all the files and folders and drag them over the ADIEvalBoard project in the SBT window and drop the files onto the project folder.
- A dialog box will appear to select the desired operation. Select the option Copy files and folders and press OK.
- This should cause the source files to be physically copied into the file system location of the software project directory and register these source files within the Eclipse workspace so that they appear in the Project Explorer file listing.
Configure Application Project Build Properties
Just as you configured the optimization level for the BSP project, you should set the optimization level for the application software project ADIEvalBoard as well.
- Right click on the ADIEvalBoard software project and select Properties from the right-click menu.
- On the left-hand menu, select the Nios II Application Properties tab
- Change the Optimization level setting to Level 2.
- Press Apply and OK to save the changes.
Define Application Include Directories
Application code can be conveniently organized in a directory structure. This section shows how to define these paths in the makefile.
- In the Eclipse environment double click on my_include_paths.in to open the file.
- Click the Ctrl and A keys to select all the text. Click the Ctrl and C keys to copy all the text.
- Double click on Makefile to open the file.
- If you see the message shown here about resources being out of sync, right click on the Makefile and select Refresh.
- Select the line APP_INCLUDE_DIRS :=
- Click the Ctrl and V keys to replace the selected line with the include paths.
- Click the Ctrl and S keys to save the Makefile.
Compile, Download and Run the Software Project
1. Build the Application and BSP Projects
- Right click the ADIEvalBoard_bsp software project and choose Build Project to build the board support package.
- When that build completes, right click the ADIEvalBoard application software project and choose Build Project to build the Nios II application.
These 2 steps will compile and build the associated board support package, then the actual application software project itself. The result of the compilation process will be an Executable and Linked Format (.elf) file for the application, the ADIEvalBoard.elf file.
In case an error appears at compile time with a description like : section .rodata loaded at [00400164,00400477] overlaps section .text loaded at [00400164,004054d7] the enable_alt_load_copy_exceptions option must be unchecked from BSP Editor → Main → Settings → Advanced→ hal.linker
2. Verify the Board Connection
The CED1Z hardware is designed with a System ID peripheral. This peripheral is assigned a unique value based on when the hardware design was last modified in the SOPC Builder tool. SOPC Builder also places this information in the .sopcinfo hardware description file. The BSP is built based on the information in the .sopcinfo file.
- Select the ADIEvalBoard application software project.
- Select Run → Run Configurations…
- Select the Nios II Hardware configuration type.
- Press the New button to create a new configuration.
- Change the configuration name to CED1Z and click Apply.
- On the Target Connection tab, press the Refresh Connections button. You may need to expand the window or scroll to the right to see this button.
- Select the jtag_uart_0 as the Byte Stream Device for stdio.
- Check the Ignore mismatched system ID option.
- Check the Ignore mismatched system timestamp option.
3. Run the Software Project on the Target
To run the software project on the Nios II processor:
- Before running the the software project, the FPGA located on the CED1Z must be programmed with the Nios II system image. To program the FPGA run the ADIEvalBoard/FPGA/program_fpga.bat script.
- Press the Run button in the Run Configurations window. This will re-build the software project to create an up–to-date executable and then download the code into memory on the CED1Z hardware. The debugger resets the Nios II processor, and it executes the downloaded code. Note that the code is verified in memory before it is executed
The code size and start address might be different than the ones displayed in the above screenshot.
Evaluation Project Data Acquisition
After the FPGA is correctly programmed the data acquisition process can start by executing the data_capture.bat script.
- A new acquisition can be started by executing the data_capture.bat script.
Note: If several consecutive data acquisitions are performed the captured data is appended to the Acquisition.csv file.
More information
- Example questions:
- An error occurred while fetching this feed: http://ez.analog.com/community/feeds/allcontent/atom?community=2061
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- AD7400A,pdf datasheet (Delta M
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