
Table of Contents
The ADIS16210 iSensor? is a digital inclinometer system that provides precise measurements for both pitch and roll angles over a full orientation range of ±180°. It combines a MEMS tri-axial acceleration sensor with signal processing, addressable user registers for data collection/programming, and a SPI-compatible serial interface. The electrical connection typically only requires 5 I/O lines for synchronous data collection, as shown in the following figure:
For those who are on a tight timeline, connecting the ADIS16210 to an embedded controller will provide the most flexibility in developing application firmware and will more closely reflect the final system design. The ADIS16210/PCBZ is the breakout board for the ADIS16210 and may provide assistance in the process of hooking it up to an existing embedded processor system.
This Wiki Guide provides practical guidelines for PC-based evaluation of the ADIS16210 on the ADISUSB system. Please note that the EVAL-ADIS evaluation system now provides this service and is the preferred system for new ADIS16210 customers that want to start their evaluation on a PC system. The EVAL-ADIS provides a number of advantages that include support for 64-bit PCs, real-time data collection and software development options/examples.
Windows XP, Vista, 7 (32-bit systems only)
NOTE: All the required files are contained in the .Cab file and deployed during software package install.
The ADIS16210/PCBZ provides the ADIS16210 on a small printed circuit board (PCB) that simplifies the connection to an existing processor system. This PCB includes a silkscreen, for proper placement, and four mounting holes that have threads for M2 × 0.4 mm machine screws. The second set of mounting holes on the interface boards are in the four corners of the PCB and provide clearance for 4-40 machine screws. The third set of mounting holes provides a pattern that matches the ADISUSBZ evaluation system, using M2 × 0.4mm × 4 mm machine screws. These boards are made of IS410 material and are 0.063 inches thick. J1 is a 16-pin connector, in a dual row, 2 mm geometry that enables simple connection to a 1 mm ribbon cable system. For example, use Molex P/N 87568-1663 for the mating connector and 3M P/N 3625/16 for the ribbon cable. For direct connection to the ADISUSB evaluation system, use these parts to make a 16-pin cable or remove pins 13, 14, 15 and 16. The LEDs (D1 and D2) are not populated, but the pads are available to install to provide a visual representation of the DIO1 and DIO2 signals. The pads accommodate Chicago Miniature Lighting Part No. CMD28-21VRC/TR8/T1, which works well when resistors R1 and R2 are approximately 400 Ω (0603 pad sizes).The mating connector for the ADIS16210, J2, is AVX P/N 04-6288-015-000-846. The picture below provides a close-up view of this connector, which clamps down on the flex cable to press its metal pads onto the metal pads inside the mating connector. The schematic is for the ADIS16210/PCBZ board.
NOTE: Do not plug the ADISUSB into the USB cable at this stage of the setup. Wait until the software installation is complete.
Step #1
Slide the ADIS16210CMLZ part into the mating J2 connector on the ADIS16210/PCBZ. Press the J2 clamp down onto the flex connector to complete the ADIS16210CMLZ part connection to the ADIS16210/PCBZ. Then secure the part using the M2 × 0.4mm × 4 mm machine screws provided with the ADIS16210/PCBZ. The following pictures provide a visual reference for correct connection but are actually ADIS16228CMLZ parts that share the same mechanical body.
WARNING: Make sure that the connector cable going from J1 on the ADIS16210/PCBZ is properly aligned to the J1 connector on the ADISUSB. The 12 pin cable is included with the ADISUSB. A 16 pin cable is also an option using the part numbers that are at the beginning of this section.
Step #2
Mounting to the system frame is accomplished using 4 M2x.4x6mm machine screws included with the ADIS16210/PCBZ. The mounting location holes are marked as an example in the picture below. Use the 4 holes to secure the ADIS16210/PCBZ to the ADISUSB.
Step #3
The following picture (left side) shows JP1 in the +3.3V position (factory-default). That is the correct JP1 jumper setting on the ADISUSB) required for the ADIS16210CMLZ.
NOTE: If JP1 is left on +5v the software will look like the following picture. Move JP1 to the+3.3V setting to correct the problem.
ADIS16210_Evaluation SOFTWARE
Click here to download the ADIS16210 Evaluation Software to a personal computer, which enables PC-based evaluation of the ADIS16210 on an ADISUSB evaluation system. The download file will contain three separate files: The CAB file (ADIS16210_EVAL_Rev_2.cab), the setup file (setup.exe) and the setup list. Copy these files to a convenient folder for running the application from.
Navigate to the folder where the files were saved and double click the setup.exe file. The following pictures are a guide for the ADIS16210 software install. The Welcome screen will appear click OK to continue.
Please choose a directory for the software application or use the default settings (recommended) and click the computer icon button to go to the next step.
Choose a program group or use the default settings (recommended) and click Continue. The last picture confirms completion click OK to finish.
USB Driver Installation
The ADIS16210_EVAL_Rev_2.cab file contains USB drivers that are compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows systems. The drivers are unpacked the same time the software application is loaded by double clicking the setup.exe file. The first time the ADISUSB board is plugged into the computer (using the included USB mini cable) the hardware is recognized and loaded. The computer Hardware Wizard will find and install the drivers by following the steps below.
The following pictures show the final steps for USB driver install. Click on Next then click on Finish completing the installation.
WARNING: For those who are using Windows XP, Service Pack 3, additional steps are required for completing the driver installation. Please see page 8, on the ADISUSB User Guide (UG-363) for additional information on these steps.
ADIS16210 Evaluation SOFTWARE
After the USB driver installation is complete, connect the ADISUSB USB connector to the PC, using the USB Mini cable, from the ADISUSB kit. D2 will illuminate as soon as this connection is made. This indicates that the ADISUSB has power and is going through its start-up/initialization process. During the initialization process, several messages may appear on the screen. They are related to updating the ADISUSB firmware and establishing communication between the PC and the ADISUSB. After the updates are finished double click on the ADiS16210_Eval_Rev_2.exe file to launch the software application.
Main Window
Once the ADIS16210 Evaluation Software starts-up, the Main Window will appear and look like the following picture. The second picture provides color-coded boxes to support further discussion of each function in this screen.
The orange box identifies the drop-down menus, which provide a number of useful features.
The Registers option provides a listing of user-configurable registers in the ADIS16210 and also provides read/write access to each one of these registers.
The Datalog option provides the core data collection function.
The purple box identifies the output registers, which update, real-time, after pressing the Read button (see the red box for the location of the Read button).
The yellow box identifies the two waveform recorder windows. The top window contains the three gyroscope outputs. The bottom window contains the three accelerometer responses. Also, each waveform matches the color of its register (see register titles in the purple box).
Register Access
The purpose of the Register Access window is to provide both read and write access to the user registers in the ADIS16210. The following picture shows the appearance of this window.
The color coded boxes illustrate the different functions that this window provides.
The purple box identifies the register category. In addition to the Control/Status, this drop-down control offers access to Output and Calibration registers.
The red box identifies all of the registers that are in the current category. Click on the register name to select a register for individual read/write access.
The green box identifies the read/write control options for the current register selection. Use the hexadecimal format when writing commands to a particular register.
The yellow box updates all the registers in the current category.
The Update Flash command saves writable user register data.
APPLICATION TIP: The Register Access screen writes to user control registers, inside of the ADIS16210, two bytes at a time. So, when configuring a register, make sure to include the hexadecimal number for all 16-bits, before pressing the Write Register button. When using an embedded processor to write to user control registers, inside of the ADIS16210, each command (16-bits) writes to one byte at a time.
Data Capture Menu
The Data Capture function supports synchronous data acquisition, based on the data-ready signal from the ADIS16210. The following picture represents the Data Capture window, right after opening it from the Main Window and the second picture provides color-coded boxes, in order to support further discussion of each function that is associated with this screen.
The red box identifies all of the registers that are eligible for inclusion in the next acquisition process. Click on each box to include a register in the next data acquisition sequence. The box will have a check mark when it has been selected.
The green box identifies the configuration box for the name and location of the data storage file.
The yellow boxes identify a number of configuration options for the data acquisition process. The Samples per File is a user input for the total number of samples in a data record. Note that all selected registers will have this number of samples in the data record file, after the acquisition process completes. After each update to the Record Length box, the software calculates the displays the total Capture Time. The Numeric data only… No file header option allows the user to add or remove the header in the data storage file. The LSB Data only… No Scaling causes the software to convert the decimal, twos complement number into its representative value. The default setting for LSB Data only… No Scaling, option the gyroscope outputs will be in units of degrees/second.
This section currently has no ADIS16210-specific content, but the ADIS16448 Evaluation on the EVAL-ADIS Wiki Site has some good examples to start with.
- ADIS16210ADIS16228三維模型文件(ADIS16210.STEP)
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