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2009-01-08 | rar | 233 | 次下載 | 3積分



Abstract:In o rderto u seth ed raininga ndd riftingh olesof th eG ezhoubaH ydorpowerS tation'sE rjiangP lant'sga te guid wal to rebuild a self-provided power plant, it is needed to carry out concrete demolition and excavating on the guiding wall of the plant gate, with its smal construction ground, complex construction conditions, strictly controled standard and great construction difficulty. This article talks about the tests, research and practice in the demolition and excavating for the power plant, concerning the definition of the controlling standard, designing of the controled demolition,choiceo fth ep orgram ofth ed emolitiona nde xcavating.Th orught hem onitoringo fth ec onstruction,b uildings nearby and electrical and mechanical equipments were not afected, and worked normaly, with good moving condition.The practice has proved that the demolition and excavating program carried out was successful, the technical methods werep racticable.It ha scr eatedc onditionsfo rre buildingth eg ateg uidingw allto b uildth ep owerpl ant,an dh asga ined remarkable economic benefit.The experience of the demolition and excavating in this rebuilding project can be provided to other projects for reference.
Key words:Gezhouba key water control project; self-provided power plant; rebuilding; concrete demolition and excavating

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