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電子發燒友網>通信網絡>通信設計應用>Interfacing to the Fractional

Interfacing to the Fractional


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Covers product configuration, installation overview, site preparation, connecting to a wafer prober, and interfacing to a probe card.
2019-09-29 14:33:00


of -50dbc. I believe the spurious is generated at the Fractional N Synthesizer at the A14 Frequency
2019-05-28 10:02:32


for interfacing those two. So for this i found some of the pdf file's like Xapp485,xapp774 etc and i have
2019-05-28 13:50:34

Interfacing SDRAM Memory on High Performance Microcontrollers

additional memory for code and data when interfacing with High Speed LCD Panels.特性? Designed for (formerly
2015-04-08 10:33:35

AD9361 BBPLL無法鎖定是什么原因

accuracySPIWrite 043,28 // BBPLL Freq Word (Fractional[7:0])SPIWrite 042,5C // BBPLL Freq Word
2018-09-26 17:40:47

AD9361 BBPLL鎖定的時鐘和DATA_CLK的關系是什么

// Set calibration clock to REFCLK/4 for more accuracySPIWrite 043,00 // BBPLL Freq Word (Fractional
2019-03-05 14:36:13

AD9361 BBPLL鎖定讀到0x5E的值一直是0xCA、0x02、0三個值循環跳變

Word (Fractional[7:0])SPIWrite042,5C// BBPLL Freq Word (Fractional[15:8])SPIWrite041,12// BBPLL Freq
2018-12-25 09:22:23


2023-03-27 14:12:46


2023-03-27 14:12:46


Word (Fractional[7:0])SPIWrite 042,5C // BBPLL Freq Word (Fractional[15:8])SPIWrite 041,12 // BBPLL
2018-09-11 21:09:38

GSM調制解調器與PSoC 3接口是否有應用說明

Is there any application note on interfacing GSM modem with PSoC 3. primarly i want to interface the GSM
2019-07-22 07:54:45


2023-04-06 12:11:31


2023-04-06 17:14:40


2023-04-06 17:14:35


2023-04-06 17:14:59


2023-04-06 17:15:45


2023-04-06 17:14:59


2023-04-06 17:14:39

HP Instrument BASIC用戶手冊,版本2.0

;HP Instrument BASIC Interfacing Techniques", and "HP Instrument BASIC Language Reference".
2019-01-24 17:08:05


? Advanced fractional scaler Hi-Fidelity scalingSupports any scaling ratio between 1:2 and 2:1? Low power consumption
2017-07-05 09:09:50


我嘗試過接口SD卡,但是超時問題。我怎么解決??拉鏈879字節 以上來自于百度翻譯 以下為原文I have tried interfacing SD card.But getting
2019-05-24 08:12:01

Y1270A用于M9018A PXIe機箱的前面板接口套件配置指南

This configuration guide provides the options available for the Y1270A Front Panel Interfacing Kit for the M9018A PXIe 18-slot chassis
2018-10-09 11:47:34

ad9361 rx tx pll無法鎖定

280,09 // Set Synth Loop Filter R3SPIWrite 233,F8 // Write Rx Synth Fractional Freq Word[7:0]SPIWrite
2018-09-26 17:43:37


interfacing something like a DSP with FPGA, how do we know that when to use a buffer IC? What parameters
2019-04-24 13:41:26


??如果有的話…讓我知道謝謝您 以上來自于百度翻譯 以下為原文AN61345 app note is for interfacing fpga to fx2lp...if i interface
2018-11-15 14:15:13


2019-03-20 07:51:59

怎么將賽普拉斯SPI主控與Altera Avalon-ST SPI內核連接

以下為原文Hi there, I got problem with interfacing Cypress SPI Master running on PSOC 5 Cortex-M3 MCU
2019-07-02 07:27:42


enough to process audio in real time I am using integer math. I was already approximating fractional
2018-12-06 15:40:02


motor current sensingOperational for typical 9V to 18V battery supplySimple interfacing with MSP430? LaunchPad? Development Kit for digital capture
2018-10-24 11:51:17

連接OmniBER 725產品說明

problems interfacing to a wide range of components and modules.
2019-05-10 16:54:41

EL4430, EL4431 pdf datasheet (

, differential-tosingle-ended converters, transducer interfacing, and anysituation where a differential signal must be extracted fro
2009-01-16 21:23:5112

Interfacing Fast Ethernet to P

The roll out of low cost broadband services has led to an ‘IP’ network revolution across factory, office and home. Ethernet has almost exclusively become the physical layer for all networking applications, whether they be industrial co
2009-03-19 16:05:4610

Interfacing 3V and 5V applicat

THE NEED FOR INTERFACING BETWEEN 3VAND 5V SYSTEMSMany reasons exist to introduce 3V1 systems
2009-03-30 00:17:329

Interfacing the DS18X20/DS1822

INTRODUCTIONThere are several methods available for interfacing 1-WireTM devices
2009-04-18 10:18:3028

Interfacing the DS18X20/DS1822

Interfacing the DS18X20/DS1822 1-Wire Temperature Sensor in a Microcontroller Environment
2009-05-08 11:37:5420

3 V 英特爾StrataFlash存儲器28F128J3A

.............................53.0. INTERFACING 3 Volt Intel® StrataFlash™Memory...................................................
2009-05-19 14:06:4333


and shows how to use the devices to accomplish depth and width expansion. Other topics covered here include FIFO interfacing, the writing and
2009-05-23 13:23:4422

實現TLC5510模數轉換器與TMS320C203 DSP的

This application report is a summary of the application note titled Interfacing the TLC5510Analog
2009-06-12 14:26:1855

AD8250,pdf datasheet (Instrume

impedance, low output noise, and low distortion making it suitable for interfacing with sensors and driving high sample rate analog-to-digital
2009-08-27 11:39:0515

AD8251,pdf datasheet (Instrumentation Amplifier)

; input impedance, low output noise, and low distortion, making it suitable for interfacing with sensors and driving high sample rate analog
2009-08-27 11:46:1416

A New Hybrid Neural System Int

A New Hybrid Neural System Interfacing Neurons and Silicon Hardware for Fast Signal Recognition
2009-09-08 20:42:535

ADF4153,pdf datasheet (Fractio

The ADF4153 is a fractional-N frequency synthesizer that implements local oscillators
2009-09-16 08:40:1917

ADF4154,pdf datasheet (Fractio

The ADF4154 is a fractional-N frequency synthesizer that implements local oscillators in the up
2009-09-16 08:41:5611

ADF4156,pdf datasheet (6 GHz F

The ADF4156 is a 6 GHz fractional-N frequency synthesizer that implements local oscillators
2009-09-16 08:43:1510

ADF4252,pdf datasheet (Frequen

The ADF4252 is a dual fractional-N/integer-N frequencysynthesizer that can be used to implement
2009-09-16 08:51:5812

ADF4350,pdf datasheet (Wideban

The ADF4350 allows implementation of fractional-N or integer-N phase-locked loop (PLL) frequency
2009-09-16 08:53:3043

ADL5310,pdf datasheet (Dual Lo

The ADL5310 addresses a wide variety of interfacing conditions to meet the needs of fiber optic
2009-09-23 09:36:3610

Interfacing to High Speed ADCs

Interfacing to High Speed ADCs via SPI:This application note describes how to use the SPI port
2009-09-30 19:43:3915

AAT3175,pdf datasheet(For Whit

load switch (1X), fractional (1.5X), and doubling (2X) conversion to maximize eff
2010-01-30 11:46:2213

Interfacing the MSP430x11x(1)

This application report describes how to interface an MSP430x11x(1) 16-bit RISC-like mixedsignal microcontroller and a TLV0831 8-bit A/D converter. This report is written for theMSP430x11x(1) family, but can be adapted to any MSP43
2010-06-02 08:58:096

Interfacing the TLC5540 Analog

CMOS analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) are used as basic building blocks in many types of data acquisition systems.This application report describes the interface between the high-speed Texas Instruments (TIä) TLC5540 8-bit para
2010-06-02 09:10:329

Interfacing A/D Converters TLC

1Introduction2 TLC5540/10 Test Circuit 21 Supply Voltages 22 Analog Input221 Direct Input222 Amplifier Input (DC Coupling) 223 Amplifier Input (AC Coupling) 224 Input Range of the TLC5540/10225 Test Points
2010-06-02 09:15:1750

Interfacing the TLC5510 Analog

This application report is a summary of the application note titled Interfacing the TLC5510Analog
2010-06-02 09:42:007

Interfacing the MSP430 and TLC

This application report describes how to interface an MSP430 mixed-signalmicrocontroller with TLC549 and TLV1549 3-volt A/D converters. This report is written forthe MSP430x11x(1) family, but can be adapted to any MSP430 derivative
2010-06-02 10:14:3218

Interfacing the TLV2544/TLV254

This application report presents a hardware and software solution for interfacing theTLV2544
2010-06-04 15:46:5013

Interfacing the TLV2544/TLV254

This application report presents a hardware and software solution for interfacing theTLV2544
2010-06-04 15:59:1610

Interfacing the TLC2552 and TL

This application note discusses the features of the TLC2552 and TLV2542 ADC. An SPI interface code  example for the MSP430F149 to the TLC2552 ADC, and for the MSP430F149 to the TLV2542 ADC, are also presented.
2010-06-04 17:10:5614

Interfacing the TLV2541 to the

This application report discusses the SPI interfacing implementation of a system featuringthe
2010-06-04 17:27:1110

Interfacing the TLC2543 ADC to

Texas Instruments (TI) reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue any semiconductorproduct or service without notice, and advises its customers to obtain the latest version of relevant informationto verify
2010-06-05 16:46:1720

Interfacing the TLV1562 Parall

IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make changes to their products or to discontinueany product or service without notice, and advise customers to obtain the latest version of relevant i
2010-06-06 15:46:102

Interfacing the TLV1544/1548 A

IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments (TI) reserves the right to make changes to its products or todiscontinue any semiconductor product or service without notice, and advises itscustomers to obtain the latest version of relevant i
2010-06-06 16:08:5311

Interfacing the TLC5618A Digit

IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make changes to their products or to discontinueany product or service without notice, and advise customers to obtain the latest version of relevant i
2010-06-08 10:34:194

Interfacing the TMS320C54x DSP

ABSTRACTThis application report presents a method for interfacing the TLC320AD535 andTLC320AD545
2010-06-23 10:44:098

Synaptics TouchPad Interfacing

This guide describes how computers and other hosts interface to the Synaptics TouchPad.The first section describes the TouchPad generally, including operating modes, features,host interactions, and principles of operation, with man
2010-06-30 21:44:2947

A Fully Integrated, Robust Sol

A Fully Integrated, Robust Solution for Interfacing with Hall-Effect Sensors Maurizio Gavardoni
2008-10-06 14:33:111181

Interfacing 8051-based Microco

Interfacing 8051-based Microcontrollers Abstract: This application note describes how to configure
2009-03-31 22:19:50777

Interfacing to the DS1631 Digi

Abstract: This application note introduces the user to software for interfacing a DS5000 (8051
2009-04-18 10:28:04678

Interfacing the DS1620 to the

Abstract: Communication with the DS1620 digital temperature sensor IC is achieved via a simple 3-wire interface. There are a number of differences between this interface and the Motorola SPI™ interface. However, a few minor hardware
2009-04-18 10:46:14751

Enabling Fractional-T1(FT1) Lo

the receive BERT function in the DS31256 to perform Fractional-T1(FT1)loop-up or loop-down detection (V.54). Overview
2009-04-18 11:23:13907

Interfacing User Devices and t

Abstract: This application note shows how one can access the DST1E1DK via the Expansion Port or the Address/Data bus. DescriptionThis application note is intended to show how to interface a user-defined device-
2009-04-18 11:33:04864

DS2152, DS2154, DS21x5Y, and D

processor to many of the Dallas Semiconductor single chip transceivers (SCTs). The application note covers interfacing both the address and dat
2009-04-20 09:35:221061

Interfacing the DS2155 to the

processor to the DS2155 T1/E1/J1 Single Chip Transceiver (SCT). The application note covers interfacing both the address and data processor bus
2009-04-20 09:46:53575

DS21Q41, DS21Q43 Interfacing t

processor to the DS2141Q or the DS2143Q Dallas Semiconductor T1 or E1 framers. The application note covers interfacing both the address and da
2009-04-20 10:29:40583

DS2152, DS2154 Interfacing to

Abstract: Application Note 321 provides an example circuit for interfacing the Dallas Semiconductor
2009-04-20 10:33:30607

DS2151, DS2153 Interfacing to

Abstract: Interfacing between the Hitachi HD64570 and the DS2151 for T1 lines or the DS2153 for E1 lines. MCSI-0 and MCS-1 are in Bit Synchronous
2009-04-20 10:38:06750

Interfacing the DS21x5y to the

Abstract: This application note show how to connect the DS21x5y family of single chip transceivers (SCTs) to the Texas Instruments TSM320C54x family of digital signal processors (DSPs) utilizing the buffered serial port. Both continuous an
2009-04-20 10:46:57672

Interfacing Switches and Relay

Abstract: This note discusses the effects on switches when used to connect loads. High currents through a switch degrade its quality when used as a power switch. Both mechanical switches and relays exhibit switch bounce during operation. T
2009-04-20 11:21:091661

Interfacing an SPI RTC with a

Abstract: This application note provides an example of hardware and software for interfacing
2009-04-21 09:35:43854

Interfacing a DS3234 Extremely

Abstract: This application note provides an example of hardware and software for interfacing
2009-04-21 09:53:58958

使用DS1814 MicroMonitor來控制微處理器重置

Circuits include interfacing with an 8051 microprocessor, interfacing with a PIC microcontroller, and using an LED to indicate reset.
2009-04-23 09:25:16619

Interfacing to the DS1631 Digi

Abstract: This application note introduces the user to software for interfacing a DS5000 (8051
2009-04-23 15:02:56896

使用DS1814 MicroMonitor來控制微處理器重置

Circuits include interfacing with an 8051 microprocessor, interfacing with a PIC microcontroller, and using an LED to indicate reset.
2009-04-23 15:11:01666

RS - 232串行通信-Fundamentals of R

interfacing), serial communications is used extensively within the electronics industry. Today, the most popular serial communications standard i
2009-04-24 16:39:082581

DS21Q41, DS21Q43 Interfacing t

processor to the DS2141Q or the DS2143Q Dallas Semiconductor T1 or E1 framers. The application note covers interfacing both the address and da
2009-04-29 10:15:34698

DS2152, DS2154 Interfacing to

Abstract: Application Note 321 provides an example circuit for interfacing the Dallas Semiconductor
2009-04-29 10:16:18984

Interfacing the 1-Wire Master

Abstract: This application note provides the reader with information concerning how to interface the Maxim 1-Wire® Master (DS1WM) to an ARM7 processor. Both hardware and software concerns are addressed, including block diagrams and sam
2009-04-30 14:15:40808

Interfacing the MAX195 ADC to

Abstract: Application note for interfacing the MAX195 and MAX194 analog-to-digital converters (ADCs
2009-05-08 09:16:101552

Interfacing the MAX187 to the

Abstract: This application note describes how to interface the MAX187 to the TMS320C3X DSP EV module. This app note can also be used as an example to interface other Maxim ICs to the TMS320 EV module. Example assembly code is provided.
2009-05-08 09:47:46728


This application note discusses a variety of approaches for interfacing analog signals to 5V
2012-01-06 14:55:1813

Interfacing with C: Programming

Interfacing with C: Programming Real-World Applications C接口:編程現實世界的應用,教你如何進行專業的C編程!
2015-11-10 17:39:540

DSP systems_ interfacing with th

DSP systems_ interfacing with the outside world
2016-05-06 15:13:287

Synaptics RMI4 Specification

511-000136-01-Rev-E-RMI4-Interfacing-Guide, rmi4 s3202 touch IC synaptics registermap 寄存器手冊
2016-06-22 16:12:0182

ds2151,ds2153 interfacing to the mc68mh360 quicc32

(T1) or 0-31 (E1) and TDM channel B is used for the FDL. For more information see the application note on Interfacing to a Non-Multiplex Bus.
2017-04-10 10:26:494


The 33186 is a monolithic H-Bridge ideal for fractional horsepower DC-motor and bi-directional
2017-09-19 14:36:209

ISO K線串行鏈路接口MC33660

communication interfacing in automotive diagnostic applications.
2017-09-19 16:43:1033

Interfacing the TLV2541 ADC and the TLV5618A DAC to the TMS320C31 DSP

Interfacing the TLV2541 ADC and the TLV5618A DAC to the TMS320C31 DSP
2017-10-19 09:56:219


The AD9552 is a fractional-N phase locked loop (PLL) based clock generator designed specifically
2017-10-19 14:43:156

DSP systems_ interfacing with the outside world

DSP systems_ interfacing with the outside world
2017-10-20 14:46:323

Fractional-N 軟件

Fractional-N 軟件
2021-03-18 14:29:372

ADMV4530: Dual-Mode, Ka Band Upconverter with Integrated Fractional-N PLL and VCO Data Sheet ADMV4530: Dual-Mode, Ka Band Upconverter with I

電子發燒友網為你提供ADI(ADI)ADMV4530: Dual-Mode, Ka Band Upconverter with Integrated Fractional-N PLL and VCO
2023-10-12 18:46:11


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